Page 170 of Rust or Ride

Rav nods like an idiot.

“I bumped up Desna’s hours, though,” I continue. “She wants to get out of Loco’s place before he talks her into escorting again. She’s trying to finish school.”

“Ah, okay.” Rock nods. “That could be it.”

“Fuck him,” Wrath growls. “He can’t ask us to give his girls jobs, then be pissed at how we do it.”

“Agreed.” Rock looks at me again. “Anything else more specific to Ironworks?”

Something tickles at the back of my mind again. “Uh, that guy Vapor and I paid a visit to—the one who knocked around one of our girls—he lives in Ironworks. I fucked him up pretty good. Left him breathing, but still.” I frown. “That was a while ago, though. And it’s really none of Loco’s business.”

“All right.” Rock slaps the table and finally seems satisfied. “That seems like two promising possibilities. If it’s something else, we’ll figure it out at the meeting. Who’s coming with us?” He slants a look my way. “Besides Dex.”

Fucking great. On Rock’s radar isn’t someplace I ever aspire to be.

“I’m in.” Wrath lifts his hand in the air. “Might as well get some burgers out of it.”

Teller raises his hand next. “I vote weallgo. If Loco’s gonna waste our time with petty bullshit, I say all of us should ride into his parking lot and scare the piss out of him.”

“You’re the one he’s scared of,” Murphy points out.

Teller grins. “I know.”

“Jigsaw freaks him out too,” Ravage says. “He heard about his finger necklace.”

“I’ll ask Z if his guys want to ride with us.” Rock’s face settles into a savage grin. “Grinder makes Loco nervous too.”

“So, this is mandatory?” Sparky asks.

“Mandatoryis such a strong word,” Wrath says.

“That’s a yes,” Stash mutters to Sparky.

Murphy lifts a finger to get Rock’s attention. “I’ll reach out to Loco and see if I can get more info. Maybe try to settle it over the phone.”

“I’d appreciate that,” Rock says. “Thank you.”

“I’ll ask Malik if he’s got any idea what this is about,” I offer. “But I’ve gotten the impression Loco’s been freezing him out lately.”

“Good,” Wrath mutters. “If we’re gonna patch him in, we need to know where his loyalty lies.”

“That’s a problem for another day.” Rock slaps his palm against the table. “Thanks for coming up, everyone.”

After that broom closet dig I made earlier, I’m risking a throat punch from Rock by sticking around. But I have to let him know about that stupid lawsuit.

I wait until most of the room clears out and then approach Rock. “Can I bend your ear for a moment, Prez?”

He steps away from the table. “Sure. What’s on your mind?”

Fuck, I’m embarrassed to tell Rock this. But it’s not like we didn’t get served lawsuits when he ran the club or when Z was running it. “We had an incident at CB not that long ago.”

He raises his eyebrows, indicating he’s listening and I should continue.

“Two customers put hands on one of the girls in the champagne room. Malik saw it on the cameras. Got me to back him up.” I run my hand through my hair. “I worked one of ’em over more than probably necessary before throwing him out.” I rub my hand over my jaw. “Although he got in a few shots of his own.”

“And?” Rock prompts. None of this is shocking. It’s part of running a strip club. Not something I’d waste his time with unless there was more to the story.

“He’s threatened to sue the club,” I explain. “Got a letter from some law firm, so I think it’s official now.”