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I wanted to write a little something for a Christmas surprise in my reader group, so I asked some of the girls who help out in there what they’d like. They suggested quite a few, but these were the three that stuck out to me. Anti-Stepbrother and Hate To Love You both were asking to update the readers, and Kellan never really stops glowering and making threats in my head, so there you go!

I hope you enjoyed!

This one was for the readers in my reader group. I really appreciate everyone in there.

And Bailey. I can’t ever forget to thank my special pup. Ever. He reminds me daily to be thankful for him.




(Set before A Crossover Adventure)


“You’re Damien’s sister, right?”

Since we were juniors, and since Damien was the ‘big man’ on campus, or one of them once he joined a fraternity, this was not a shock to me. Damien was also in the most popular fraternity on campus, or so he told me. I tended to believe him because this was a weekly occurrence.

Everyoneknew Damien.

What was different about this question was because I wasn’t being asked by a human.

She asked the question as we were leaving class, and I stopped in the hallway, giving her a once-over.

Yep. Not human.

Humans didn’t give me the zing she was giving me, and I sensed into her, shifting around—witch. Then, just as quick, an image flashed in my head. Her, and her coven, doing some ritual. They were dancing around a fire, half-naked. Their arms and heads raised to the sky, and smack in the middle was my half-brother. I didn’t normally have a problem with witches. If they noticed me, they avoided me. If Kellan was around me, they ran like a bat out of hell.

The problem I was having was that Damien had been pinned to a stake and he was bleeding right next to the fire.

You will leave my brother alone.

She sucked in a breath, her eyes bulging out from the invasion in her head. I could get in her head. She just couldn’t get in mine. Because of that, she was scrambling backwards literally and metaphorically.

I didn’t. I mean—he’s cute. That’s all.

I glared at her, starting to walk her back to a more private hallway.Not the right answer. I saw what you and your coven are going to do to him.

What?! I’m not in a coven.

Then there were more images. Her. Her laughing. Her friends. Them talking about college, about courses, about cute boys...about spells. Them practicing spells.

I got to the last image. A love spell.

Are you kidding me? You’re going to bleed him so he falls in love with you?

Omg! No! I’d never do that to him—