I showed her the image I saw of her, him, the fire, the naked dancing.

Blood drained from her face. She was quaking at the sight of what I showed her.

A flicker of doubt sparked then.

Iwasseeing the future. Maybe something was wrong here?

We were now in a different hallway, one way more private. No one was coming past us. She stammered out, her gaze skirting around us, “I—I’d never do that to him. Not willingly, I mean. I have a crush on him. But that, what you’re showing me—” She stopped, frowning at me.What are you? I can’t—I can usually feel a werewolf or a vampire.

I snorted.

“I’m a little above your pay grade.”And so is my brother, by the way.

I glared at her again.

I might not have met my half-brother under the best circumstances, but since then and since his family had taken me in, I was protective of him. I wanted to ground my teeth because me showing her that image should’ve changed the future’s course.

It didn’t.

It was still there. I saw it firmly rooted in her timeline.

I sighed. “It’s Halloween. We’re in college. You know there’s an Alpha Mu party tonight because it’s a fraternity. They’re always going to throw a party. Now, because of you, I’m going to have to go.” I shifted closer, making sure she heard me real clear. “And I’m going to be bringing my boyfriend.”

Her eyes widened again.

I felt her air whoosh out of her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and I felt that too. The air around us picked up in electricity, because if anyone was plugged into the supernatural scene, they knew who my boyfriend was.

And they avoided him.

“Kellan Braden,” she whispered. “That’s who I’m picking up on you.” She was taking me in, all new now. The blood just kept draining from her. “He’s all over you. He’s—I thought it was a ridiculous rumor that he was here.”

Going to school was putting it mildly.

His name was in the system.

He attended what classes he had with me. The registrar kept putting him in classes that weren’t mine, because he declared a degree and they’re trying to make sure he graduated on time. To them, he was a normal student. To Kellan, he could care less what classes he was in. It wasn’t like he was going to use the degree. Damien and I, we were the gung-go college students. We were the ones who were hoping to get degrees and then careers.

Every class that I wasn’t in with him, he used his power on the professors and their TAs. He was given good scores across the board so he only showed up when I had class. Those classes, he sat with me, he listened with me, and he took the tests with me. He did the projects with me. If he was put in a different group, someone always magically insisted on switching with me so we were in the same group.

So, Kellan being a student here was a slight exaggeration.

But he was here, because of me.

And he was known to the supernatural world. To the non-supernatural world, girls only whispered about him because he still was hot, dangerous, and mysterious. But mostly, in that world, Damien was the big stud, and bless my brother’s heart, but he cared about it. Kellan didn’t.

Kellan cared about me.

And I loved him for it.

“You’re going to tell me everything that your ‘friends’ might be planning. Got it?”

She moved her head in a quick nod. “Got it.”


The Alpha Mu’s house was filled with humans.

Lots of humans.