The door opened as I began to reach for it, and a guy came out. I started to go around him, a polite smile on my face, but he stopped midstep and stared at me.

I frowned, but then, there was something about him… Dark blond hair that was messy. It worked for him. Gave him a lazy aura, but no. I was wrong. A dangerous aura. He had sapphire eyes. And I was noting all of this in the back of my mind, as if I already knew him. That was silly. I’d never seen this guy before… No. Wait! I did. He and his girlfriend had come into the bar our first night here. Yeah, yeah. They sat and enjoyed the show in the background.

I gave him a smile, and a wave. “Hello. I hope you have a great day.”

He blinked, before he nodded back. “You as well, Little Bee.”

I had begun to move around him, but did a double take, my head snapping around to see him. He’d already started for his vehicle. I only saw his back. I watched him go to an expensive sports car and get inside. The girl in the front was stunning, and in a shocking and serene way. She said something to him as he got in, and if he replied, I couldn’t tell, but then they left.

I got that same feeling I had when I thought of Mermaid Bar.

It was like an odd form of déjà vu, but not surreal. It was just an unwelcome feeling. I didn’t like it, but I would forget it. I decided then and there.

Then my phone rang.

The kiddos were up from their naps.


Nine months later, I went into labor. It was in the middle of a contraction, as I was screaming at Caden because he’d done this to me, when I heard a voice in my head.

My head! What the hell?


“What?” I snapped at Caden.

He frowned. “What?”

“You said my name.” I was panting. I had sweat covering every inch of my body, and I was not happy.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Summer, listen to me.”

I looked around, because who the fuck was that? “Is someone's phone on?”

“You will remember, because right now you are with child. When you give birth, the pain will unsettle your mind. The coding we did to wipe your memories of us will be broken into pieces. I’m putting this into your memories so it will smooth everything for you. No ill effects will happen to you. You will be the only one to remember, and it’s because you conceived your child here. Your child will bear a mark from this place. When you see it, you don’t need to be afraid. This place has magic in the air, and your child has that magic in her. Everywhere she goes, she will make people smile. They will feel her presence, and she will heal wounds inside of them without knowing it. She is special, and if she opens the door to this world someday, as her mother, you will be there to support her. Until then, until you bring her into this world, you will adhere to the coding Shay is putting into your mind.”

I’d gone stark still, hearing that voice in my head, and in a flash, I saw him.


I saw her. Shay.

I saw–ahhhhhh!The mother fucking pain. Why hadn’t I taken the epidural? Go natural my ass. Never fucking agai–aahhhhhhhhhh!

Four hours later,I was holding Circe Colton Banks.

When she opened her eyes, I remembered everything.

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Hate To Love You