Page 51 of About Last Knight

He and Jess smile at each other. I look at them in question.

“Mom’s good.Morethan good.” He smirks. “Some guy came by. He didn’t realize we were there at first, and he dipped Mom and kissed her hard. Then she made some comment about him returning. He had clearly slept over last night. They were all over each other. I’ve never seen Mom like that.

Trevor scrunches his face in disgust. “Ugh. Mom and her men. She’s too much.”

I look at him in surprise. “What does that mean?”

“It means Mom’s getting plenty of action. Too much. No one needs to worry about that.”

I see Cassandra smirking.

“What do you know?”

She looks at me in challenge. “Why do you care?”

“Because she showed up here last night a mess, asking all kinds of weird questions about our marriage and love. She had clearly been crying. She was emotional. I’m worried about her.”

Cassandra smiles. “You don’t need to worry about her. She’ll be fine.”

“Explain that.”

“No, I won’t betray her confidence. Jackson, she’s an attractive woman and garners a lot of interest from men. She’s just sorting through her feelings and figuring out what she wants. She’s fine. Leave it alone.”

Darian gives me anI told you solook. I decide to drop it for now.

Reagan changes the subject. “Is everyone free two Saturdays from now?”

It appears everyone is.

“Good. Carter and I are going to get married that day. I’d like for you all to come.”

Trevor lets out a laugh. “You just said that so matter of fact. Like you’re running to the dry cleaners that day.”

“Well, I don’t want to make a big thing of it. We want to keep it low key and out of the press for now. We’ll have a big party in a few months to celebrate, but we’re just having a small ceremony with you guys and a few friends right now.”

Harley offers, “Do you want to use our shore house?”

Reagan nods and smiles. “That would be great. Thank you. We’ll stay in a hotel though. I don’t need to hear Mom and Jackson going at it on my wedding night.”

Everyone laughs. I wink at Darian and she smiles at me.

After everyone leaves, and I help Darian clean up, I tell her that I need fifteen minutes in my office before I come to bed.

She gives me a knowing look. “You’re going to check in on Melissa, aren’t you?”

I nod.

She brings my face to hers and gives me a kiss. “I knew you would. You’re a good man, Jackson Knight.”

She stares at me and rubs my face in a loving way. “Did Skylar talk to you tonight?”

I give her a small smile. “She did.”

“Are you okay?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I understand why she wants to go work with her sister. Admittedly I was excited at how big of a family business Knight Investments was becoming, but I know it’s still a family business with Payton and Trevor. I just want her to be happy, and if working with Reagan makes her happy, I support her decision. I’ll miss her though.”

She gives me a soft kiss. “I love you.”