I smile down at her. “I love you too.”
“Go make your call. I’ll be in our bedroom wearing the same outfit I wore last night. Better yet, maybe I’ll wear that skirt you liked from our first date.”
My eyes widen, and she giggles.
I have to adjust myself at that image. “I think I’ll make it five minutes.”
She gives me a sexy smile as she pulls my face in for a deep kiss. I grab her ass and pull her tight to my growing erection. I whisper into her lips, “Forget it, I’ll call her tomorrow.”
Darian shakes her head. “No, call now. You’ll be worried otherwise. I’ll be waiting, Knight.” She turns and leaves for our bedroom. I watch her perfect ass sway as she goes.
I reluctantly go into my office and sit down at my desk to dial Melissa’s number.
She’s laughing as she answers. “I knew you’d call. You’re so predictable.”
“What made you so sure?”
“Because I knew Hayden would tell you about our lunch and that you’d be worried. You don’t need to worry about me, Jackson. I’m fine.”
“You didn’t seem fine last night.”
“I just needed to figure out a few things. Like I told you at the time, you helped me. I know you think you hurt me, but you did just the opposite. You helped me gain some clarity.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Who’s this guy Hayden mentioned? He said he’s never seen you all touchy feely with a man before, like you apparently were this morning.”
“That’s what he said?” I can almost see her smiling through the phone.
“It’s new, but he’s special to me. He’s different from you and other men I’ve dated. I was a little uncertain at first, but I know what I want now.”
“How so? How’s he different?”
“Not to be rude, but it’s not really your business. I appreciate you checking in, but I’m fine. I’m an adult. I can handle it.”
“Okay. Maybe we should meet him.”
“No, not yet. Let’s see how things go. I’ll decide if and when it’s time. Thanks for calling, Jackson. I appreciate your concern. I’m fine. More than fine.”
She hangs up. She did sound much better. I guess I have other pressing matters to attend to. Like my naked wife waiting for me in our bedroom.
Chapter Fifteen
We’ve spent most of the past week at Melissa’s place, but tonight she’s coming to see my place for the first time.
She walks in and her eyes widen. “Wow, Declan. This apartment is amazing.”
It’s so different from hers. She lives in complete luxury. Mine is fairly big, but it’s an artist’s studio with a huge open space and a lot of windows. I have exposed brick walls on all four sides. I have an entire portrait studio set up in one of the corners. There are pictures everywhere, both hanging and loose on tables. My pictures.
She walks around taking everything in. Eventually, she turns to look at me. “Declan, you’re incredibly talented. I had no idea.”
I laugh. “Did you think I was bad at my job?”
She smiles. “No, I just didn’t know you were this talented. It’s all so different and all very beautiful. I love that you photograph such a variety of things.”
She carefully looks at the hanging pictures. First through some landscapes, and then the animals. “You’ve been to all of these places? All over the world?” Her eyes light up.