Page 50 of About Last Knight

“That doesn’t sound very promising. What is it?”

“When I went to pick up Jade this morning, her mother pulled me aside. She’s getting married. He lives in New York City. Jade doesn’t want to move. Amanda, her mother, wants to split her time evenly between here and New York until Jade graduates. She asked if I could take Jade three nights a week during the week.”

Melissa smiles. “That’s wonderful. I’m sure you’re thrilled. Why would I take it as anything other than happy news?”

I shrug. “You thought you were getting involved with a relatively unattached man. Now I have responsibilities half the week.”

She laughs. “Declan, we’ve been together for less than twenty-four hours. I’m not worried about it.”

“But wearetogether, right?”

She turns and wraps her arms around my neck. She reaches up and softly kisses me. “That’s what I want. I dumped areallynice guy yesterday because I find you so damn irresistible.” I smile into her lips at that.

“I thought you don’t like nice guys?” We both smile. “That’s what I want too. I promise to be very un-nice to you.” At that, I deepen our kiss.

We eventually break apart and continue walking. I look around. “I love it down here. It’s so unique to have something like this in a city. Do you come here much?”

She nods. “I came here a lot when my oldest granddaughter was little. I’d take her for long walks in the stroller. Once she got mobile, she preferred some other activities. Now that it’s warm again, I can bring the twins down here when I have them.”

“That’s nice. Speaking of kids, do you by chance know anything about decorating a bedroom for a seventeen-year-old girl?”

She twists her lips. “I had all boys. Their bedrooms were dark and smelly when they were teens.” I laugh at that. “But I can ask my friend, Rayne. She has a daughter.”

“Okay. That would be helpful.”

She texts on her phone. A few minutes later it beeps in notification. She looks at it. “Rayne said to start with her favorite color. To paint it that color and then use it for the bedding. She said to also get fun things like bean bag chairs, Bluetooth speakers, a mini-refrigerator, and a swing?”

“A swing? Like a sex swing? Absolutely not.”

She laughs. “No, dope. It’s like a hammock but it hangs from the ceiling. Kids love it.”

“Okay. Will you help me pick everything out? I want to do it as soon as possible so it’s ready for her.

“Of course.”

Chapter Fourteen


Hayden and Jess returned from their honeymoon last night. Everyone’s coming over for dinner to welcome them back.

I’ve been sitting with Reagan and Carter through most of the afternoon as they plan Carter’s announcement that he now owns Daulton Holdings. Carter initially resigned to both expose his father’s wrongdoings and to right things with Reagan. Shortly thereafter, he learned that his grandfather bequeathed the company to him on his thirty-fifth birthday. He’s chosen to keep that a secret for now, allowing his father to be properly investigated.

We’ve spent the afternoon putting together a plan for his big announcement, and strategizing for the company moving forward. I’m happy that they want my input.

I’ve enjoyed spending time like this with Reagan. I’m seeing her in a completely different light than her normal funny, provocative, button-pressing demeanor. She has an inherent vision that few have. It’s something you’re born with. It can be cultivated, but it can’t be taught. She’s whip smart and is definitely ready for the big career step she’s about to take. I’m so proud of her. I know Darian will be too when she finds out exactly what’s in store for her.

I’m worried about Melissa. She’s seemed out of sorts lately. Her visit last night was peculiar. I don’t know why she asked the questions she did. I hope I didn’t do more harm than good.

Darian thinks I need to leave her alone to figure things out. That she’s obviously going through something and needs to continue down her path of discovery. Perhaps Darian’s right. She usually is.

We’re all now sitting around the table hearing about Jess and Hayden’s honeymoon. They were in the Maldives and had an amazing time.

I can’t help myself and ask, “You stopped by Mom’s earlier today, right?”

Hayden nods.

“How was she?”