Page 150 of Bosses With Benefits

“Aren’t you the CEO now?” Kai asked. “It was one thing to do this before, but now that you’re in charge of the whole company…”

“That’s a Monday problem,” August said, threading his fingers into my hair and squeezing them into a fist. “Right now, I’m focusing on Friday night fun.”

I alternated back and forth between them, sucking on one while stroking the others.Three men at the same time. I could still remember the first threesome we had, hownaughtyit felt at the time. But this? It was so much dirtier.

And so much hotter.

“My knees hurt on this tile,” I said. “How about we move this into the bedroom?”

Michael pulled me up into a rough kiss, then lifted me into his arms and carried me the whole way. The bed was soft and warm as he laid me on it, then fell onto his back and pulled me on top of him.

Kaiwas behind me instantly, rubbing a hand along my ass cheeks through mypanties, fabric pushing against my pussy and ass. I made out withMichaelwhileKaipulled down mypanties, thenslid one thick finger inside me,then two, lubingthem upand twisting like a corkscrew.

“Ohh,” I moaned intoMichael’smouth. I scrambled at his crotch, tearing down his pants and grabbing his throbbing cock, impossibly wide between my fingers. It was a familiar partof himby now, but it made me tingle with anticipation every time I touched it. I broke the kiss, our lips only millimeters apart and connected by a tiny strand of saliva. I gazed intohiscrystalblue eyesand said,“I want you inside of me.”

“Who says you get what you want?” herumbled.

“Ineedyou inside of me,” I whispered.

“Give her what she wants,” August said, watching from the side while stroking himself.

Michaelreached for me,but I was faster,pushing my hips down andsliding my drenched pussy along the outside of hishard lengthwhile my hair hung down to his chest. I tore at his shirt, and he lifted his back so I could tug it over his head. I ran my fingers over the peaks and valleys of his muscles, pecs like warm cushions of power.

Kai’sfingers found me again from behind, sliding up into my pussy, but I turned and shook my finger at him.

“You know what Ireallywant.”

I continued grinding along Michael’scock asKai’sfingers slid out of my pussy, then along the little fold of skin to my rear entrance. He rubbed my own juices around the outside, lubricating it in a well-practiced manner. I leaned down to biteMichael’slip, pulling back before he could return the kiss, thenleaningforward again to lick his chest. And thenKai’sfinger was sliding into my ass, deeper beyond my tight ring as I relaxed for him, accepting himthe way I had so many times before.August tossed him a bottle of lube, the plastic tip clicking open.A second fingerslid into me, moving in and out slowly while he twisted it around. I leaned back against his fingers, letting him know it was what I wanted, that I needed to be warmed up before taking his cock, whichKaihad out and was stroking in his other hand.

Ihad waited too long now, so I reached between my legs and guided Michael into my drenched lips. I pushed down on his girth, the pressure inmy inner wallsrelented, and he stretched mewith that wonderful aching feelinguntil I couldn’t be stretched anymore.

“Therewe go,” I said, grabbing his jaw with my hand and tilting his head to face me. “I love how completely you fill me.” I swirled my hips in a circle, enjoying how he felt, getting used to howfullI was from him. Even now, after being withMichaelfor months, I had tosavor him for a few momentsbefore wereallygot down to business.

“I can feel him inside of you,”Kaiwhispered, fingers corkscrewingmy other entrance from behind.

Michaelarched his neck forward. “Me too. Holy fuck…”

I loved being double-penetrated by mymen. Even when it was justKai’sfingers inside me, there was an intensity to it that was impossible to match with normal sex. Just feeling them inside me at the same time was enough for an orgasm to threaten on the horizon.

I raised myself upMichael’sshaft a tiny millimeter at a time. I felt the widest part of his monstrous cock slide downward, from the middle of my pussy to the bottom and then out as I kept only the head in. Then I was impaling myself on him again, the inside of mypussyspreading wide like the wake from an extra-large boat.

I rocked back and forth on top of him, roughly pushing him back down whenever he tried to lean up to kiss me. I enjoyed having so much power over someone so goddamnstrong,like I was an unconquerable Amazonwoman. I arched my back to showcase my assfor my other two men. And with a single look over my shoulder, I toldKaiwhat I wanted.

Slowly, he removed his fingers from my ass and rubbed them around the tight outer ring. I trembled with anticipation as he moved up behind me, thighs brushing against me andMichaelas he guided his cockforward.I’ve never done this with Kai, I realized.We always used toys. Never another man.He pressed his head against my tight hole, gently at first, and then suddenly his tip slid inside with ease.

“Mmm,” I moaned to let him know how good it was.

He pushed harder, dick sliding deeper inside. The pressure of both of them at the same time waswonderful,squeezingmy inner wallslike a vice, incredibly intense. I reached back and put a hand on his chest.

“What’s wrong?” he purred into my ear.

“It’s almost too much for me,” I said. “It’sso muchall at once…”

“Here, this will help.”Michaelsunk his hipsinto the bedand slid out of my pussy, his cock wet and dripping against his belly. He grinned. “Just for a minute.”

“Uh huh, that’s better,” I whispered, closing my eyes and focusing onKai’shard lengthas itslid deeper into my other hole. The pressure was still there, wonderful and hard, but it wasn’t as intense. Slowly I pushed back against him.

“You like that?”