Page 151 of Bosses With Benefits

“God,I do,”Kaisaid, thrusting deeper.

Inch by inch, his cock moved farther into my ass.His fingers dug into my thighs for leverage, holding me in place on top of Michael.I almost imagined I could feel his heartbeat inside of me, pulsing rapidly.

“Ugh,” he moaned when his hips reached my ass cheeks. “I’m so deep inside you.”

I felt myself relax around him as he stayed right there.“Not deep enough.” I ran fingernails againstMichael’schest, to where he was stroking his cock underneath me. “Grab my ass and spread it for him. Spread it wide.”

“Do it,” August said from the side of the bed where he was watching. “Spread her open.”

Michaelobeyed instantly, strong hands gripping my cheeks and pulling them apart, andKaipushed the final inch inside my forbidden hole. I shuddered involuntarily, and squeezedmyselftight aroundKai’sshaft.

It was good.Reallygood. And now I wanted more.

“Fuck me,” I beggedhim.

Kai’scock slid back slowly, leaving me feeling empty, and just when I couldn’t take it he thrust forward again. Soon he found a perfect rhythm, just fast enough withouthurting. I savored the dirty act, feeling the indirect stimulation against the wall of my pussy, being fucked and teased at the same time whileMichael continuedspreadingmy ass wide forthe other man.

“You like that?”Kaisighed.

“Ohh yes.”

“You like being fucked in the ass?”

“I love it!”

While he steadily fucked methat way, I played withMichael’scock, squeezing along the ridge of his head. Gently, I pushed it back and up, sliding only the swollen head into my drenchedlips. I moved my hips in the tiniest motion, humpingMichael’scrownwhile not disturbingKai’srhythm. I knew they could feel each other inside of me;Michael’seyes widened, and somehow he hardened evenmorebeneath me, his grip on my ass cheeks tightening.

“Slow down,” I toldKai. “I think I’m ready.”

I waited until he stopped inside of me, then Ipushedmy pussy down ontoMichael. He was so wide! If I wasn’t already warmed up I knew it might have hurt, but I was asslick as could beand the pressure created a heightened level of pleasure, filling every plane and angle inside of me.Kaisquirmed behind me as the widest part ofMichaelpushed deeper, indirectly rubbing against his dick inmy other hole, and his squirming made me tingle all over.

“Deeper,” I moaned. “Deeper!”

Michaelclenched his teeth and grabbed my hips, and forced me the rest of the way down onto his throbbing cock. A cry of surprise and then ecstasy escaped my lips, as pure as any song note. The pinching feeling I sometimes feltfrom this actwas only a whisper beneath the deafening roar of pleasure of having my fantasy fulfilled.

“Don’t move,” I toldMichael, grabbing his jaw. “Stay in me just like that whileKaifucks us.”

My men both obeyed.Kaimoved hesitantly at first, testing how I felt inside, the volume ofMichael’senormousdick constantly trying to pushKai’scock out of my ass. But he quickly became used to the feeling and pumped a little bit faster, and a little bit harder, and a little bitdeeper,his dick pressing against my pussy walls andMichael’scock,making us both moan together.

“I want to fuck you,” he breathed into me.


“Let me fuck you.”Michaelground his hips up into me.

“Is that what you want?” I cooed.

“I want it so bad.”

“Then take it.”

My words unleashed his aggression. He moved his hands to my hips, and he pulled back and pumped hard into me once, bouncing me with a yelp.

“Oh myGod,” I moaned.

“Is that okay?”

“Harder,” I whispered. “Harder.”