Page 149 of Bosses With Benefits

“I’m only sleeping with you three,” I said reassuringly. Then I giggled. “Onlythree. I never thought I’d say it like that.”

Kai reached for the pizza box. “Mind if I…?”

“Go ahead,” August said with a stupid grin. “We’re great at sharing!”

Michael groaned at the joke.

“I would have brought two pizzas if I’d known,” I said.

Kai smiled. “There’s plenty to go around.”

“Kai, I owe you an explanation.” I took his free hand and squeezed it between my palms. “I’ve been seeing Michael and August.

“I know.”

“I never mentioned you to them, but I made it clear that we weren’t exclusive. I was trying my best to adhere to the rules you set up when we first started working together. I’ll understand if you’re upset at me for hiding this…”

He shook his head and swallowed his pizza. “Actually, I knew this whole time.”

August, Michael, and I all flinched at the same time. “You did?”

“Your demeanor changed around the third time we hooked up,” Kai explained. “You were more bubbly. Happy, in a deep way. Like you were falling in love. At first, I thought it was with me. But then I got the sense it was with someone else. I kept waiting for you to break things off with me because you had a serious boyfriend. It made every Friday night we spent together special, because I thought it might be the last time.”

My heart went out to him as I considered that. The whole time we had worked together, he kept waiting for me to break things off. Every kiss, every caress, every gasping climax now seemed more special because of it.

“I did care deeply about two other men while we were together,” I admitted. “But it wasn’t just them. I’ve been looking forward to our Friday nights. I care deeply aboutyou, Kai. Even though you said that we weren’t allowed to catch feels, that’s exactly what happened. And if that means you don’t want to work together…”

He pressed a finger to my lips. It tasted like pizza sauce. “I broke my own rule. I caught feels, too. And in spite of everything, I’m so glad I did.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re making a lot of money off my OnlyFans page, too,” I said.

Kai smiled and shook his head. “I love you, Ginny. I’ve loved you since the moment I walked into your apartment that first night. And if you want to quit your OnlyFans page after everything that happened today, it won’t change a thing.”

My heart fluttered at the words, and without hesitation, I replied, “I love you too. Just as much as I love Michael and August.” I gazed over my shoulder at both of them, then back to Kai. “Does that bother you? That I’m in love with three men?”

Kairesponded by grabbingmy jaw in one hand andkissingme, biting my lip and pulling away roughly. He looked into my eyes with hunger, still clenching my chin tight.My heart fluttered at his aggressiveness, the way heneededme. My breasts heaved as I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

“Doesn’t bother me at all,” he said.

I yelped as he lifted me up onto the kitchen counter, spreading my legs and burying his face up my pencil skirt. I arched my back and moaned at the possessive way he was taking me, urged on by the two other men watching.

“You like the show he’s putting on?” I purred.

“Nothing we haven’t seen already,” Michael replied with a grin, eyes locked onto the back of Kai’s head as he licked my pussy.

“You two are good at having sex for money,” August said. “Pretend I’m paying you to do this in front of me. Iamthe CEO of a major foundation, you know.”

Jolts of pleasure shot up my spine. “I don’t think my imagination is that good.”

August opened a kitchen drawer, pulled out a checkbook, and scribbled across the surface. He tore the check away and slapped it down on the counter. “There you go.”

Michael glanced at it and flinched. “A million dollars?”

“Damn right,” he replied, snapping his fingers. “Now make with the sexy times, you two.”

We didn’t need any encouragement. Kai was devouring me like it was the best part of his day. And the way the other two were watching soon had me moaning and squirming in his grasp. His arms wrapped over my thighs, holding me firmly in place, tongue swirling and caressing until I was shuddering with release.

August was suddenly next to him, pulling me off the counter and pushing me down to my knees. His cock was out, threaded through the zipper of his dress pants, and I took it in my mouth while reaching for Kai’s belt. Michael joined them, three of them forming a semicircle around me, and soon I had two cocks in my hands to go with the one between my lips.