Page 34 of Rejected By a Wolf

“I’m sure I confuse a lot of people.” Antonio wasn’t an open book. Understanding his tumultuous thoughts wasn’t any easy task for anyone, not even himself.

“You never confused me before. Not like this. Your actions usually made sense. When you lost your mate I understood your sadness and isolation. But now… You’re about to get Giselle back. Despite that, and despite you refusing to evenlookat a single woman since you lost her, you’re looking at another one now.” Lance scratched his head. “It doesn’t make much sense.”

“You’re taking this wrong. I’mwatching overthe fey, that’s all.” He was also obsessed with the idea of keeping Sophia by his side, but Lance didn’t need to know that much. Even now Antonio wasn’t completely present for their conversation, thoughts of Sophia consuming him.

Where is she?

“That elf can also watch over her… in apalace. You have a tent. You’re not stupid, Antonio. Which dwelling doyouthink is safer for her?”

Antonio ground his teeth together. “She stays with me.” A low snarl slipped past his lips, surprising even him. “You’re upset with my decision.” Maybe Lance equated what Antonio was doing to cheating on Giselle.

Lance’s lips slowly curved upward. “Upset? Ah, I’m far from upset, friend. Am I surprised? Yes. Upset? Not at all. That battle fey is nothing like Giselle. Imagine watching Giselle in that arena.”

Antonio didn’t want to imagine that. Any sort of fighting would ruin the perfect waves of her hair, or misplace the crownof flowers she so often wore. Giselle wasn’t meant to fight, it wasn’t in her nature.

Lance was right. Everything Giselle was, Sophia wasn’t. The two women were nothing alike.

Lance gave Antonio’s back a strong pat. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m off to find a place to crash.”

Antonio raised a quizzical brow in his friend’s direction. “You’re not staying in the tent? There’s more than enough room for you. All the inns are full. You know that, don’t you?”

Lance chuckled. “I’d rather sleep beneath the stars than stay in that tent with the two of you.”

“Yeah, why’s that?” Lance had no issue sleeping in the tent the night before. “You’re acting as if I intend to try something with Sophia. I can confidently assure you I have no intentions of doing anything of the sort.”

Lance’s grin widened as he turned to walk away. “Hmm, let’s just call it wishful thinking.”

Antonio shook his head as he watched Lance disappear into the crowd. Sometimes he really struggled to understand that man .

Then, with timing that couldn’t have been any more perfect, Casper and Sophia appeared in front of Antonio.

He swiftly jumped to his feet, but was unable to hold back a snarl when he noticed the way Casper held Sophia. He held her in the same bear-like grip as earlier. The sight pissed him off before. Now, it maddened him.

The rage building inside Antonio worried him. It had been building since Casper took Sophia from him, not allowing him to take care of her while she was in need. She should behisto take care of, not Casper’s.

Antonio repeatedly flexed and relaxed his fists, working to control his emotions, fearful of what would happen if he relinquished his control over them.

The animal inside me will rise. Immortals will die.The thought chilled him.

When horrifying memories from his past attempted to resurface, he worked on pushing them back into the deep recesses of his mind. He didn’t need those memories to taint him.

Not now. The repercussions would be far too disturbing.

In an attempt to lessen the turmoil brewing within him, he brought his attention to Sophia. Despite his decision to reject her as his mate, he still found her presence soothing.

But when his eyes locked on hers he realized her presence would be far from soothing tonight. He didn’t like what he saw, not in the slightest.

He knew he should be thankful that the lifeless look in her eyes was no longer there. But he wasn’t. The expression she currently wore was far more dangerous, tugging at his rapidly diminishing sanity.

Sophia reeked of disgust, the miserable look in her eyes was clear as day. She was both annoyed and upset, not looking pleased to see Antonio at all.

Antonio massaged his thumbs against his temples in an attempt to quell his anger.

I can’t get upset that she wants Casper,he reminded himself.She’s not mine to have. Giselle is.

But one more look at Sophia sent him reeling, his body beginning to quake. How dare she look at him in such a revolting way!

Hewas the one that was there for her on the battlefield today,notCasper.