Page 35 of Rejected By a Wolf


Did she think to so easily forget that?

His muscles began tensing, his inner wolf that he worked so hard to keep contained beginning to stir.

Rising, rising…

He hiked his shoulders back, prepared to show Sophia how misguided her feelings were. After tonight, she’d never forget who she belonged to again.

He stormed in her direction, his decision made.

When the beast inside him finally broke free, he wildly howled to the night.

She’s mine.

Chapter Twenty-One

Sophia Brenning

The second after Casper split both of them out of the palace, Sophia felt the soft kiss of the cool night’s air against her cheeks, a gentle breeze sending wisps of loose hair over her face.

If she wasn’t so distraught over the lack of control she held over her life she might have found solace in this night’s perfect weather. Unfortunately, it seemed her life was currently spiraling out of control. Or, rather, spiraling into someoneelse’scontrol. As long as Casper remained in Elaron, she wouldn’t have any say in her life, it seemed.

While Casper still held her close, she hissed into his ear, “I can’t wait until the day you leave Elaron and never return.”

“Don’t say that, Sophia.” He slouched against her hold as if he actually gave a damn about what she thought.

Sophia noted how he called her by her full name for the first time in decades. She supposed she should be happy about that, considering she told him not to call her by that pet name anymore. At least he listened to her in that regard. It was a shame that his ability to listen to her needs ended there.

Annoyed, she pushed against his chest, shoving him away. He allowed it, taking a step back, his eyes locked on his feet. It was as if he couldn’t stand the thought of looking at her.

Though his reluctance to look her way stung, she didn’t get much time to dwell on it, because something behind Casper caught her attention.

That something was Antonio. At least, shebelievedit was Antonio, considering the sight of him didn’t look familiar at all.

He stalked toward her as an animal would stalk its prey. He was clearly enraged, there was no hiding it, though she had no idea why. The last time she saw him, he was looking at her with pleading, soft eyes. Now, those eyes were wild - pure fury oozing from them.

Everything about his demeanor - from his deadly stare to his rippling muscles - seemed to promise death. Considering the fact that his attention was set ononlyher, she had to believe that promise of death was meant for no one else.

Why?What the hell did she unknowingly do to make her shitty situation even worse? Figures she’d take lemons and turn them into something even more sour.

Without a single glance back to Antonio, Casper promised Sophia, “Antonio will keep you safe for now.”

“You’re wrong about that,” she scoffed, making no effort to hide the sarcasm in her voice, which was a thickheaded decision on her part.

Casper frowned, obviously irritated with her attitude. She was relentless and she knew it. Unfortunately, his irritation was enough to motivate him to split away without a single look in Antonio’s direction.

“Seriously?!” Sophia called to the empty space Casper’s vanishing body left behind. Behind that empty space was Antonio. Still enraged and still stalking toward her.

Antonio’s current appearance closely resembled how the fey back home imagined werewolves. In other words, Antonio looked a lot like a walking nightmare right now.

A rising suspicion that maybe the fey were right to have feared werewolves as much as they did arose. Because the man approaching her right now? He didn’t look like Antonio at all. His darkened stare and wild hair made him look more beast than human.

Morewolfthan human.

She supposed if he decided to kill her in some uncontrollable wolf-like rage she had no one to blame but herself. She was the one who decided to place her trust in a complete stranger from a species she knew almost nothing about. No one told her to trust him. She did that all on her own.

Don’t trust the strange werewolfwas a common saying in the unnatural world that was quite similar todon’t take candy from the creepy man in the van.