Page 33 of Rejected By a Wolf

Chapter Twenty

Antonio Payne

Sitting outside his tent, Antonio sighed into the glass of whiskey in his hand. For some reason, he couldn’t bring its contents to his lips.

He looked away from his glass and searched through the countless tents for signs of Sophia. Time seemed to be dragging on endlessly, the town’s main clock tower not ticking quickly enough.

When Antonio last saw Sophia she wasn’t doing good. Anxiety had his heart racing every time he pictured her lifeless eyes. He was impatient for her to arrive, desperate to know whether or not she was okay. Once she was in his sights again he would be able to protect her as he promised Casper he would.

While scanning his surroundings he noticed the dark-haired sorceress that had almost killed Sophia on the battlefield earlier in the night. Her sharp pixie hairstyle bounced with every step she took. She was much smaller than almost every other competitor here, though not nearly as small as Sophia. Despite her slight size, she exuded pride, every step she took projecting absolute confidence.

Antonio rubbed his eyes as he questioned why that woman was here. Sorceresses rarely left their island, and if they did, they didn’t leave it alone. Those vicious women traveled together,their individual powers much more lethal when combined with the powers of their sisters.

Yet this sorceress was traveling with no one. It didn’t make any sense.

“How long are you going to babysit that thing?” Lance plopped down beside Antonio, distracting him from his thoughts.


“Your drink. You haven’t touched it.”

Antonio gave the contents in his glass a swirl. “Taking my time, I guess.” He was entirely too worried about Sophia’s wellbeing to think about drinking.

Lance made himself comfortable, stretching his legs out on the grass. “You really made a deal with the devil, huh?”

“Not the devil,” Antonio muttered, his mind only half in the conversation. Soon after King Valaris announced that the theme for tomorrow’s matches would be capture the flag Antonio felt assured that Casper had told him the truth. Which meant Casper really did intend to bring Sophia back to him. After Antonio realized this, he sought out Lance and explained everything to him. Well, everythingexceptthe bit about Sophia being his mate, and he didn’t plan on telling Lance that anytime soon.

Lance had traveled to Elaron to support Antonio on his mission to bring Giselle back, and bringing Giselle back was Antonio’s number one priority. Fate giving him another mate in the form of Sophia didn’t change anything. Additionally, if Casper succeeded in finding a loophole hidden in the tournament’s contract to get Sophia out alive, Antonio wouldn’t have to worry about her dying in order for him to win.

Considering Lance admitted that he disliked Giselle, Antonio determined it was better off if Lancedidn’tknow about Sophia. He wanted Lance’s continued support.

“Not the devil?” Lance scoffed. “He’s a high elf. He’s of noble descent.”

Still analyzing his surroundings, Antonio asked, “What makes you say that?”

“I saw him sitting near their king back in the arena.”

“Huh,” Antonio nodded to himself. He didn’t see that. Granted, he didn’t take the time to look up towards King Valaris’ direction earlier. He was too busy worrying about how to keep both him and Sophia alive. “I guess that makes sense.” It explained why Casper knew so much about what was going to happen in the tournament before anyone else did.

Antonio’s eyes drifted to his tent’s opening. Two knights in white and blue armor stood in front of it, as if guarding it. Apparently, they were sent by Casper tokeep Sophia in check,though Antonio didn’t believe itwas necessary. “It explains the knights.”

Lance glanced their way. “Yeah, why are those guys here?”

“They’re here to keep Sophia in line, I guess. That’s what I was told.” He looked at his whiskey one last time before placing it in the grass beside him, noting Lance’s unusual reaction when he did. “What?” Antonio asked.

Lance shrugged, looking away. “Keep Sophia in line? You mean help you hold the fey hostage.”

“Hostage? No, never.” Sophia wasn’t going to try running from him. This wasn’t a hostage situation. “It’s not like that,” Antonio said, though he wasn’t sure if he believed his own words as he said them. When the knights arrived he could have told them to leave, but he didn’t. Hewantedthem here.

Because I’ll take better care of Sophia than Casper would,he tried telling himself.

But the more he thought about it, the more lost he became.

He didn’t want Sophia to leave his side. For no reason other than his own selfishness. He enjoyed her company. Hecravedit. He needed her here. With him.

In truth, he’d stop Sophia from running if she tried.

“You confuse me sometimes, you know that?”