Page 80 of Rejected By a Wolf

“Absolutely.” When she began playing with her braids he knew she was growing nervous. “Ack, Sophia. I’m not going to do anything. I’ll control myself. Promise. I just want you in my arms while I sleep.”

“I’ve never shared a bed with anyone before,” she admitted as they reached the tent. The two elves guarding it nodded, acknowledging them, then moved aside, giving them space to walk in.

“Then I’m honored to be your first.”And your last.

“What about… you know, with the full moon approaching…”

“The moon won’t rise until after my match and by the time it does I will be far away from here.”

“Will I get to see you after your match?” She was still playing with her hair.

He reached for the hand she used to toy with her braids and held it in his own. “You’ll see me in the morning.” While Antonio’s match would take place before nightfall, it didn’t take placemuchbefore nightfall. He couldn’t risk being anywhere near her after his match. That would be cutting things too close.

“Oh.” She looked disappointed.

Curling a finger under her chin and forcing her to look up at him, he said, “I might be mistaken, but it sounds like you’re going to be missing me.”

She tossed him a playful scowl. “Of courseI’m going to miss you!”

“Good. We’ll miss each other, then.” He said, and a smile crept over her face. “Now, hop in.” He reached for the nearby bed and lifted its covers off. She only hesitated for a brief moment before hopping in.

Antonio followed in behind her, enfolding her within his arms and pulling her against his chest. He nuzzled her ear, muttering against it, “Gods, how I’ve been craving holding you like this.”

“Have you really?”

“Without question. And after tonight, I think I’m going to be wanting this every night.” He swore he could feel her shiver in response.

“Hmm. I like this. I feel safe in your arms.”

“You’ll always be safe with me.” He ran his hand along her side and noticed when she flinched. He suddenly remembered she had been injured during her battle. He had been so excited to see her alive that he forgot she wasn’t entirelywell.“You’re hurting.” He tightened his hold on her waist.

“I’ll be fine.” She brought his hand to her lips and gave it a reassuring kiss. “I’m sure I’ll be fully healed by the morning.”

He sighed against her, understanding the deeper meaning behind what she said:I’ll be healed and ready to fight again by tomorrow.

But she wouldn’t be fighting tomorrow. He was going to make sure she couldn’t.She’ll never stop hating me,he thought to himself.

When her breathing grew slow and steady, he drew back a few loose strands of her hair and whispered, “I’m sorry, but you’ll come to forgive me. One day.” She’d have to, because he’d never give up on earning her forgiveness. Not even if it took him centuries to do so.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Antonio Payne

Antonio glided his fingers along the slick wood of the bow in his hands, his eyes pinned on the copper haired elf standing across from him. The arrogant smirk his competition sported irritated Antonio so much he almost debated killing the elf before striking the amulet.

Antonio’s eyes tightened, his annoyance growing as the elf began artfully flipping a dagger between his hands. The gall on this elf was insurmountable.

“A shame you’ll get to live,” Antonio muttered to himself, knowing the battle this elf wrongly believed he’d win wasn’t going to happen.

Antonio subtly glanced up at the amulet on display beside King Valaris. Sunlight reflected off its heart shaped ruby, as if guiding Antonio to his target. Gods, it was a good thing Sophia wasn’t here. He didn’t think he could handle her watching as he destroyed that necklace.

After a bit of rest, Antonio had managed to slip out of the tent completely unnoticed by a sleeping Sophia. He hoped she was still in that tent, because he was less than a minute away from destroying what she wanted most, and he didn’t want her to see when he did.

With a focused exhale, Antonio drew back his bow and aimed it at that pretentious elf, whose smirk only deepened. They both knew Antonio’s arrow, if released the moment the horn went off, wouldn’t reach the elf before he had a chance to split out of the way.

But Antonio wouldn’t be shooting at that elf, and he certainly wasn’t waiting until that horn sounded off.

Sweat beaded on Antonio’s forehead, the pumping of his heart so loud he could only vaguely hear King Valaris shouting out both Antonio’s and the elf’s names.