Page 81 of Rejected By a Wolf

Now or never,Antonio told himself.

Then, refusing to waste a second more, he whipped his body around until his aim was directed at the amulet. With the element of surprise in his hands, Antonio released his finger from the trigger and launched the arrow forward.

Casper and Antonio shared a grin as the arrow sailed through the arena with absolute precision.

When The Heart of Aphrodite was struck, it burst into hundreds of fragmented pieces. The arrow had been enchanted to destroy anything it pierced, and that’s exactly what it did.

Gasps could be heard all around, though King Valaris didn’t look even slightly surprised as shards of ruby and gold rained upon him. In fact, he might have lookedimpressed.

King Valaris silently looked down to his feet and to the pieces of the shattered amulet as hushed whispers traveled across the arena, no one yet seeming to grasp onto what had just happened.

When King Valaris looked back up to Antonio, a flutter of comprehension flashed across his face. Antonio could’ve sworn the king had even smiled.

The crowd’s hushed whispers grew louder, their reactions becoming more frantic, and Antonio knew that in mere moments mass hysteria would ensue. Though the king didn’tseem concerned in the slightest, managing to silence the crowd by raising a single hand.

Dark rumors about Elaron’s millenniums old king often circled the unnatural world. Dark rumors of a once mad elf, blinded by darkness, who had destroyed legions of immortals simply because hecould.A mad elf who somehow became a fair and respected king.

Antonio had never believed those rumors, but now he wondered…

When quiet returned to the arena, King Valaris looked upon Antonio. “It seems you have made a great many enemies today, Antonio Payne.”

Antonio knew this. Too many immortals wanted The Heart of Aphrodite and the wish it could grant. “It seems I have.”

“Many will hunt you down for taking this gift from them.”

“It wasn’t anyone’s gift yet. Odds are they wouldn’t have won that wish anyway.”

A sly smile crept upon the king’s face. “But theyhopedthey could and now that hope has been taken from them.”

“Hope is a funny thing, I guess,” was all Antonio could think to say, his mind wandering to Sophia.I hope she’ll come to forgive me for this,he thought, wondering if his hope was just as misplaced as everyone else’s.

“Perhaps it is. Now I must ask, what were your motives for destroying The Heart of Aphrodite? I’m quite sure you didn’t destroy it for the sheer joy of watching something break.”

Antonio believed the king had already put the pieces together in his head, understanding exactly why Antonio had done this. Still, Antonio entertained his question. It was only right that he let every competitor know they could now opt out of this tournament if they chose to do so, anyway. “With The Heart of Aphrodite no longer in play, you can’t uphold all your promises to the participants of The Elaron Games . Promises made inwriting. In other words, the contract we all signed is no longer binding. Any of us can now quit as we please.”

“Hmm.” As expected, King Valaris didn’t seem surprised in the slightest. “So you wish to be taken out of this tournament?”

“No, I wish for another to be taken out of this tournament.” Antonio didn’t care to compete anymore himself, but he needed to get Sophia out of this mess before he did anything else.

“I presume you are speaking of your mate. The fey - Sophia Brenning.”

So everyone really did know she was his mate, didn’t they? “Yes. I want her withdrawn from the competition.”

King Valaris tapped a finger against his chin. “You would not allow her to make this decision for herself?”

Allow.Antonio cringed at that word.AllowingordisallowingSophia from doing something made it sound as if Antonio was trying to control her life, as if he was taking her freedom from her. He didn’t like hearing it, but knew he wouldn’t change his mind in this matter, fearing Sophia would continue competing for no reason other than stubborn pride.

“I won’t be swayed in this. I want her out.”

Antonio noticed the pleading looks Conall, Cauladra, and Casper gave the king. None of them wanted Sophia to continue competing, and Antonio was sure the king knew this.

He must have, because when he spoke next, he granted Antonio his wish. “Very well. Your mate will be removed from the tournament, as will you. How can I allow the man who single handedly ruined this tournament to continue competing in it? It simply won’t do.” Antonio was absolutely fine with that. He planned on backing out of this mess anyway. “And wolf, your wish may have been granted, but do not forget that wishes often come with consequences.”

“I’m already aware.”

He saved Sophia’s life, but he might’ve lost her forever because of it.

Chapter Forty-Nine