Page 79 of Rejected By a Wolf

His beast was stirring, already dictating both his thoughts and desires despite there still being a few hours to go before nightfall. Now that Antonio had a taste of how intense the hunger for his mate could be, he knew he couldn’t be anywhere near her tonight. If he was, nothing would stop him from taking her with all the ferocity of a werewolf.

And a deep, dark part of him wanted nothing more.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Antonio Payne

Sophia kissed Antonio back, her tongue eagerly lapping against his, their hunger for one another shared.

But her fervor was short-lived. She began pulling away before he was ready, before he even got started. He released his hold on her, allowing her to take a step back.

She blushed up at him, though heat still emanated from her eyes. “Nothere,Antonio,” she said in a hushed whisper, her eyes darting back and forth.

Antonio groaned, fixing himself. Perhaps he shouldn’t have taken such a passionate kiss from her in such a public place.

Did he regret it?Not in the slightest.

He’d do it again in a heartbeat if she let him, but not before that.

He scratched at his head, “Sorry. The full moon is near.” She nodded in understanding, but a flicker of apprehension darkened her eyes. He needed to assure her everything would be alright tonight. Rubbing her shoulders, he told her, “There’s nothing to worry about. It’s all been figured out.”

“It has?”


Again, she nodded. He half expected her to press for more information on the matter, but she didn’t. Instead, she eyed the bow and arrow slung over his shoulder. “You’re an archer?”

“No.” Though he wasn’tunskilledin archery, and he could think of no better way to strike that amulet than with an arrow forged in magic.Thank you, Casper.

“You don’t plan on using it today, do you? Use what you’re best with. Now isn’t the time to try something new.”

“Ah, is that what you told yourself when you decided on using those new swords today?”

“No, I thought maybe two people I cared about very much might have been right when they told me my talents would be enhanced best with those weapons.” She grinned. “Turns out they were right.” But her grin quickly turned into a frown, her words laced with worry. “But I don’t think that weapon will help anyone in such close quarters.”

Antonio’s lips curved into a cocky smile. “Ah, is my fey worried about me?”

Hands on her hips, she smirked up at him, “Damn straight I am. Now let’s get you some sleep before you keel over in exhaustion. Maybe after some rest you’ll realize what a stupid decision using that bow will be.”

Antonio was doubtful about that, though Sophia had no idea what he really intended to use his weapon for.

Just before, Casper had explained the contact’s loophole he had located to Antonio in greater detail. The tournament’s binding contract relied on both parties fulfilling their sides of the bargain. With the amulet broken, King Valaris wouldn’t be able to provide the winner with what was promised in writing, thus breaking the contract.

With the amulet out of play, not a single competitor would be bound to the tournament any longer, giving everyone the ability to quit if they chose to do so.

Thankfully, King Valaris kept The Heart of Aphrodite beside him, showcasing it for the world to see. And why shouldn’t he? The idea of someone destroying a trinket with such incredible power probably seemed asinine. Who was crazy enough to destroy their chance to be given the gift of a wish?

A werewolf, apparently. Not much of a surprise there.

“Alright, let’s get some sleep.” They began making their way toward the tent.

“Let’s? You’re the only one who needs any sleep right now.”

“You’d deny a wolf the chance to sleep with his fey in his arms before battle?” He quirked a brow, amusement lighting his features.

As much as he wanted to sleep beside her, his intentions ran much deeper than simply that. While she slept, he’d be able to slip out and fight his battle without waking her. She’d never have to witness him destroying the amulet, giving him the chance to explain everything to her in a peaceful manner tomorrow morning -afterthe anxieties of the approaching full moon have passed.

“You mean… you want to share a bed?”