Page 55 of Evan

She went back to the main part of the app and requested setting up a date with him before sending one last message.

K:I think we should meet.

Now she just needed to wait for him to reply.

E:You’re right. I feel like what I want to say should be done in person.

Pissed, she closed the app. Now she had to get through a whole week before their date that he had agreed to. He’d asked if she was thinking about Monday, and she’d been honest with him about it, and he went on and accepted another date instead. She wasn’t pissed. She was hurt, and he was about to find out why.



“Idon’t think you’re playing the same game as us again,” Cade teased.

It was Sunday afternoon, and he was at the basketball court with everyone. He was once again playing a game like crap.

“Very funny,” Evan muttered and passed the ball.

“I’m just saying. Whatever you’ve got going on today certainly seems to be making things worse.” Cade took a shot, making it. “I thought you’d have worn yourself out with Kayla on a run this morning.”

“I tried. She’s not answering.” Evan had called her first thing this morning to see if she was going for a run, but his call had gone straight to voicemail. “With everything going on, I didn’t want her to go alone.”

“Well, she did. I saw her at the coffee place this morning, and she thanked me for my help with the security.”

“What the fuck is going on?” Evan left the court and grabbed his phone from the bench, dialing her. Again, it went straight to voicemail.

“Did you do something last night to piss her off?” Ryker asked.

“No. We talked. It went well, I thought.” Evan relayed their conversation.

“Out of curiosity, did you talk to your date in the app, too?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, a little. Nothing important. We discussed food.”

“Anything else?” Jake asked.

“She messaged me while I was talking to Kayla, but I haven’t written her back. Then she asked to set up a date, and I agreed after I got off the phone.” Evan shrugged and took a seat. “I just figured I owed it to her after all the misses to meet her in person and break it off. With the restaurant closed, it’ll have to be without the anonymity from Blind Date.”

Cade whistled. “You don’t owe a person you’ve never met anything.”

“The conversations were good, but every time we got ready to have a date, something would happen with Kayla or the restaurant and I couldn’t. It feels wrong to just text and break it off.”

His friends grunted some reactions and then went back to their game, one man short. Evan sat on the bench and tried to piece together what had gone wrong.

He replayed the conversation over again in his mind. It didn’t seem to matter how he did it, he couldn’t come up with anything that sounded off in the conversation. They had finally talked and when they ended the call, nothing seemed weird.

Then a thought popped in his head—could she see that he had accepted a date? Probably, but why would she have looked? Unless she had some type of alert on.

He pushed the thought away. She wouldn’t have an alert on for him. He doubted that was even a thing, and they had turned off email notifications for dates from the system because it was overloading her inbox as Blind Date became more popular, so she wouldn’t have accidentally seen it in her email.

It wasn’t a date for him. It was just a polite let-down of a bunch of almost dates and a few good conversations. He didn’t know why, but he felt the need to meet up face to face to end things. Well, he would have preferred the restaurant and the darkness but that wouldn’t happen for a while.

K seemed to be just as busy as he was with the chaos that had happened recently, so it wouldn’t have worked between them anyway. They forgot to message each other and since each time he’d had to cancel their date, she’d also been busy, it was likely they’d never see each other.

Evan made a decision. If he didn’t see her Friday as planned, then that was the end of it. He wouldn’t try again to do things in person and just let her know that it wasn’t going to work through the app. Jake could explain what was going on to her if he wanted since he was more than sure that his date was set up by him,

“Don’t beat yourself up too much; she’s got a lot going on, too.” Jake sat next to him.