Page 56 of Evan

“I know. I just don’t get it.”

He was stuck somewhere between complete understanding and being angry at the mixed messages she was sending. It was getting really old.

“I’ll ask Lauren if she knows what’s up,” Jake said.

He thought about it for a second and shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. She will either tell me and give me a chance to fix it or she won’t. I can’t keep doing this.”

Jake nodded his understanding. “I know how you feel. If it helps, I have a feeling this is one big miscommunication thing.”

“Maybe, but I’ve been trying to figure out where, and I’ve come up blank.”

“That’s how it usually works and then when you find out, it’s like it was right there obvious the whole time.”

“Sure wish it would happen sooner rather than later.”

“I understand that.”

“How are things going with you and Lauren?” Evan asked, needing a subject change from his own drama.

“Really well. I think we will go the way of Owen and Jenna soon.”

Evan smiled at his friends. “Congratulations!” He meant it; this was great news for them.

“I kind of want to sort out what’s going on with her mother before we get there. I know that’s weighing on her a lot.”

“Oh, Kayla wondered what she might do next. Seemed to think she hadn’t gotten any money out of doing this so there had to be something else in the works.” And there he was, full circle, thoughts back to Kayla.

“We thought of that. The trouble is, we can’t find her.”

Evan nodded. “How is she hiding so well?”

“I think she’s broke again already and places that let you stay for dirt cheap don’t run credit cards or care what your name really is.”

“Shit,” Evan mumbled. “I don’t know how we will figure that out then unless she pops up again.”

“I really hope we are all wrong and it was just a tantrum. The last thing I want is more negativity on you guys and the restaurant because she’s nuts.”

“We don’t blame either of you,” Evan reassured him.

“I know, but it’s still there, some guilt over it.”

He could empathize with that. “Let me know if I can help with anything for the investigation. I know the police are working on it, too, but as far as we know, they haven’t gotten anywhere.”

“It’s such bullshit. We have literal proof of who it is and still can’t do a damn thing about it.”

“Any luck figuring out who the men were?” Evan asked.

“None, their masks were covering them enough that no facial recognition would pick it up and they don’t speak at all. They had a plan, executed it, and left.” Jake toweled his face off and pulled his shirt back on. “I feel like we’re missing something big here.”

“Same. I have watched the footage a million times and I don’t see anything there. I can’t figure out where another clue would be that we’re missing.”

“I’m paying people to look into it, and they’re coming up blank too.”

Evan nodded.

“You guys talking about the restaurant?” Luke joined them.

“Yeah,” Jake answered.