Page 10 of Forever Friends

Being extraverted is not necessarily being ‘weird’ – nor is knowing what I want in my life. It’s called confidence.

I think I’ve read The Outsiders back in high school. That’s the dude with the Pepsi or Coke name – and another guy with a unicorn’s name?

Meh… I am not a book person, but I appreciate you trying to sucker me into your ‘crowd’.

Yep, I’m going to be in the wedding and Bridezilla is already rearing her head regarding all the plans. I’m flying down early, and Karen’s sister is going to help with all the décor.

Are you coming for the wedding?

That would be soooo cool to meet you!


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Dear Jana,

I am ashamed to say that I spit out my coffee when I read your email. Are you talking about Ponyboy and SodaPop Curtis in The Outsiders? He is not Pepsi boy… and you are hopeless when it comes to books.

I give up – and am not suckering you into the book club crowd… ever.

No offense, my friend.

On that note?

We are friends – I am not flirting.

My apologies if I gave you the wrong impression, and a little alarmed that you might have misconstrued what I said. We are back to your comment about men being boneheads… because I did not think you would take my emails in that way.

Again, I apologize.

Hot Cakes hasn’t said anything about anyone attending the wedding yet – so I am not sure. I would think it would be nice to be invited and I have the leave available, but we’ll see.

If I go – look for the opposite of Fabio.


John ‘X-Ray’ Masden

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Dear X-Ray…

Hang on, let me pick my ego up off the ground… I’ll need to dust it off a bit and probably dust off a few corners, because my poor ego was JUST ASSAULTED.

Just because someone is being nice to you, it doesn’t mean they are flirting with you… and I guess I took the tone of your emails the wrong way. No offense, but are you really that dry in real life? I mean, don’t you ever kid around, play, or let loose?

It would be neat if we were chatty that way or talked openly about romantic wishes, hopes, and dreams… but honestly? I think we are just friends, too. You are super nice, and I would like to keep emailing – but only if it’s not too weird and we can be ourselves.

(Which is me, being weird, just fyi.)

Jace is going to be inviting you to the wedding – I told him to. How else am I going to meet you if I’m working all the time and you have your nose in a book 24/7?

Seriously, my friend… read a romance book, look up from the pages, and ask someone out on a date. You are out of practice with being nice – and I guess I am too.


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