Page 9 of Forever Friends

Dear Jana,

Men are boneheads when it comes to women… and we don’t question that at all. It’s a fact and we simply accept it as such. We like girls, like good food, and talk to people that we get along with.

I don’t think you are suited for the nunnery… I am sorry. You are a bit too – outgoing? – for the church.

Or at least you would be at the parish I attended when I was a boy. Father Anthony would have died to hear you were peeping in windows.

Try reading a book, Jana, you might like it.

You might tackle reading The Bible since you are pondering becoming a nun… or may I suggest, Isaac’s Storm? It’s a novel recanting the Galveston hurricane of 1900. I really liked it, and could see the storm in my mind.


John ‘X-Ray’ Masden

* * *

Hey X-Ray…

Ouch, buddy! I thought we were becoming friends?

Are you saying I’m too much for the church? Why am I not surprised? I’m a lot for most people to handle. I like to live life to the fullest, do crazy things, and want to explore the world… so yeah, the nunnery will just have to wait. LOL.

I don’t know if I am a ‘death and destruction’ book person… perhaps something a little more gentle – and much shorter?

Do you read romance too? I bet you are a closet romance reader – aren’t you? I could see you reading some weird Viking romance… ohhh, or maybe a swashbuckling pirate romance where he’s got a parrot on his shoulder.

I bet you tuck it in a Sports Illustrated magazine, so you don’t get beat up – but I won’t tell anyone!

Talk soon, Fabiooooo…


* * *

Dear Jana,

Dropping all pretense here… you are weird, young lady.

Just plain weird.

No, I don’t read romance – and yes, I do read Sports Illustrated. It’s a very good magazine with excellent articles. Yes, I read the articles. If Isaac’s Storm is too much for you… perhaps you should try The Outsiders or Animal Farm, both excellent books.

I heard from your brother that you are going to be in the wedding? That will be so nice that he has all his family there with him. He talks about his wife all the time.

I have dark brown hair and Fabio is blond.

Try again.


John ‘X-Ray’ Masden

* * *

Hey-a X-Ray,

Omigosh – was that an attempt at flirting? Hold the presses! You should definitely pick up a romance book (or thirty), because it will help with charming a female and winning them over…