Page 50 of Dark Salvation

“Fuck you,” Big Dick spits from between his tattered lips. TK had already done a number on him, but men like Big Dick will never give up. They’ll never accept defeat. It has to be forced upon them.

The hatred I feel for these two men burns hot in my veins. I’ve never liked the idea of hate. Hate is something that knits itself into the fibers of your soul and eats away at it like a cancer. But these men? I’m willing to lose a bit of my soul to take them out. I’d lose it all.

TK’s patience with Big Dick has come to an end. This man has raped TK’s woman, fathered her child, stalked her and the boy, and threatened their safety. TK has come to blows with him in the past, but this time is the last time. He’s had enough.

Stepping around the pair on the floor, TK’s heavy boot comes down on Big Dick’s greasy ponytail, pinning his head to the floor, and points his pistol at his groin. I cringe a little at the idea of being shot in that particular place.

“Answer the question, or Big Dick’s little dick is going to get blown off.”

Alan watches this exchange through wide eyes, but he doesn’t offer to give up the information we need.

“Fuck y—”

TK pulls back the hammer. “One.”

Big Dick struggles, yanking on his ponytail, trying to desperately remove it from under TK’s foot.


“Listen, I—”


“He’s dead!” Alan screams. “He’s been dead for years.”

TK drops the gun, but even Big Dick looks at him in surprise. “What do you mean he’s dead?” Big Dick asks.

Alan sighs. “He came back a few years ago. He had the money to get Boo back, but Boo is mine, so I arranged a meetup to exchange the money for her. But instead, I killed him and dumped him in the foothills.”

“You son of a bitch,” Big Dick snarls, still unable to lift his head. “What did you do with the money?”

Alan swallows, unable to look his president in the eye. “I bought myself that new Harley.”

Big Dick lunges for him, but he doesn’t get far before his hair brings him up short. “You selfish prick!” he roars. “You betrayed your own fucking club over a bit of pussy?”

Liam’s boot collides with Big Dick’s jaw, and blood sprays from the impact of his kick. As he turns his head back to face us, I can tell it’s broken. One side is higher than the other, and he can’t seem to open his mouth anymore.

“You watch how you talk about her,” Liam says, his voice much calmer than his action. Then his eyes swing to Alan. “You really kill that old fuck?”

Ripping his gaze away from Big Dick’s ruined face, Alan nods.

Liam looks over at me and points down at Alan. “You want to kill him, or do you want me to?”

Alan’s eyes plead with mine, tears freely flowing down his cheeks. The same way Bria had likely pled with him so many times as he violated and broke her down. I want to be the one to rid the world of his evil, but Liam is Bria’s big brother.

“Do it together?” Reaching for Alan’s hair, I yank him up until he’s sitting on the floor with is back to the front of the bar.

Liam considers my offer. Shrugging, he places his gun at Alan’s right temple. “On three?”

I lift my gun, pressing it against Alan’s left temple. His body trembles uncontrollably, a wet stain spreading across the front of his jeans.

“One,” Liam counts, taking a page out of TK’s playbook.

“For the love of God, you’re a goddamn priest!” Alan screeches.

I laugh. “I never finished seminary. Two.”

“Please!” he cries.