Page 49 of Dark Salvation

“Behind the bar,” TK hollers, pushing past me, heading straight for Big Dick.

I look toward the bar, and there he is. He’s not cowering like I thought he’d be. Instead, he’s glaring, the barrel of his gun pressed against Tammy’s temple.

“Back the fuck off or I’ll shoot her,” he roars.

I don’t even know what else is going on in the room anymore. My focus is all on him as I cross the room in just a few strides. “Then shoot,” I tell him, reaching the side of the bar.

His face twists with anger and frustration, the gun biting into Tammy’s skin and drawing blood. “I’m fucking serious!”

I glance at Tammy, who looks utterly terrified, and once again, I’m left to question my own faith, because her fear doesn’t bother me at all. Tammy is just as vile as the rest of these assholes, and if he actually did pull the trigger, he’d be doing the world a favor.

“Please,” she pleads, tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Looks like time’s up, Tammy.”

Growling, Alan shoves Tammy to the floor and swings around, his gun moving toward me. I reach across the bar and wrap my hand around his wrist before he makes it all the way around.

Liam is right beside me. As Alan attempts to pull away, he rears back and brings the butt of his own gun down on top of Alan’s head. His hand going slack, Alan drops the gun and falls to the floor behind the bar.

“That him?” Liam asks.

Nodding, I jump over the bar top and land with my feet on either side of Alan. Tammy screams again and scrambles back, desperate to get away.

Paying her no mind, I grab Alan by the collar of his shirt and drag him around to the open floor in front of the bar. He doesn’t move a muscle. Out cold.

I look up, taking in the scene around me. It’s chaos. We may not have caught these fuckers off guard, but we outnumber them three to one. Several of their guys are on the ground, a collective pool of blood spreading across the tiles.

Leaning over Alan, Liam snarls, “Wake up, motherfucker,” repeatedly smacking his cheek.

Alan’s eyelids flutter, and when his vision comes into focus, he reaches out, searching for his gun.

“Looking for this?” I ask, waving the gun in the air.

Alan gapes up at me, still dazed.

“You the fucker that treated my sister like a fucking sex doll?” Liam sneers, pressing his foot down on top of Alan’s hand.

Alan hisses in pain, his face twisted with anger, making him look even more vile. “I don’t even know your sister.”

“I believe you called her Boo?”

His face goes from angry to terrified. “Collins? Boo is a Collins?”

I hate him even thinking about her, let alone saying that vile name he’d given her and used every time he raped her. He doesn’t deserve to have her beautiful face in his mind. He doesn’t deserve to share the same fucking planet as her.

“Bria,” Liam clarifies, “istheCollins. She’s the granddaughter of the man who started the Atlantic City Syndicate, and she’s my fucking sister.”

Alan closes his eyes in defeat. He’s a dead man, and he knows it.

“Where’s the man you bought her from?” Liam demands. “What is his name?”

“I don’t fucking know,” he proclaims. “It was some old pervert that owed us money.”

Liam leans all the way over, his face hovering above Alan’s. “What. Is. His. Name?”

“I don’t know!” he cries.

“Maybe this prick can help.” TK approaches us from behind and tosses Big Dick onto the floor next to Alan. “Might as well get something useful out of him before I blow his fucking nuts off.”