Page 51 of Dark Salvation

“Three.” Liam and I say it together, our eyes locked on each other’s as we pull our triggers. Alan’s body jolts, then slumps forward, forever silenced, and unable to hurt another human being again.

I look up to find a few of the guys ushering a group of very young and battered women from the hall in the back. When my eyes meet Judge’s, he gives me the thumbs up. We got them. All of them.

All of them, except Big Dick.

Big Dick stares at Alan’s body, his face an immovable mask of terror, his jaw slightly askew from the kick to the face. He realizes that this is the end. His eyes dart from TK to me. “You don’t have to do this,” he says, his voice garbled and thick. “God will never forgive you for killing me and the rest of these people. You know where murderers end up.”

I smirk. “Then I guess we’ll continue this when we meet in hell.”

TK kneels in front of him, holding the gun to the underside of Big Dick’s chin. “Harrison will never even know your name,” he vows. “All he will ever know is that the man that fathered him was a sack of shit rapist, and that I blew his fucking brains out.”

A lone tear escapes Big Dick’s eye and races down his cheek, but he holds TK’s gaze, defiant and proud. “He’s still my so—”

Blood and brains spray the bar behind him before he can finish his sentence.

“He was never your fucking son,” TK growls before rearing back and kicking him in the face for good measure.

Silence falls as we take in the bloodbath. Every single member of the Screwballs MC is dead. They won’t be trafficking or torturing any more innocent women.

“What do you say we get home to our ladies?” Judge says, pulling a wrinkled handkerchief from the pocket of his jeans. He smooths it out and uses it to wipe the spray of blood from his cheeks, but his smile is filled with relief. “I need a drink.”


I’mwide awake when the rumble of motorcycles grows louder outside. Whipping back the blankets, I bolt from Priest’s bed, not stopping to check my appearance. The need to see him safe outweighs the need to look presentable. The need to tell him everything.

The other ladies are already in the main room when Judge comes through the front door. Grace runs to him, clutching him in her arms. Judge leans down and kisses her, grinning as one by one, the others file inside. Some of them look worse off than others, but when Priest walks into the room, my heart stops.

He’s safe. He’s alive. He’s come back to me.

I don’t think, I just run. I run to the man I love, slamming into him without even attempting to apply brakes. My mouth goes straight for his, ignoring the catcalling crowd around us, and the disapproving eye of my brother standing behind him. I ignore Liam when he clears his throat, taking solace in the warmth of Priest’s arms. I’m surrounded by the scent of his body wash. That comforting mixture of sandalwood and spice I’ve grown to cherish on his pillow.

“You’re okay?” I step back, running my hands over his body, inspecting every inch of him. No bullet or stab wounds.

“I’m fine, Angel,” he assures me, pulling me in for another kiss. Passion ripples from his full lips to mine, want and need tugging at us both. “It’s done.”

I pull away and stare at him. “Done?”

Liam steps up beside us and nods. “They’re dead. All of them.”


“We took care of him together, Angel,” Priest informs me, kissing the back of my hand. “He will never hurt you or anyone else again.”

I want to know what happened. I want to know the details of how he died. But in truth, knowing he’s gone is enough. Relief floods my chest, fresh air filling my lungs for what feels like the first time in so very long.I’m free. I’m finally free.

I peer over Priest’s shoulder and meet Liam’s gaze. There’s blood splatter all across his face and body. His crisp white shirt will never be white again, and the suit jacket he’d been wearing is gone.

“Liam, are you okay?” I slide from Priest’s arms and around him until I reach my brother, worry squeezing my heart all over again. I run my hands over him, checking him for wounds as well.

Liam laughs, his hands coming up to rest on my shoulders. “It’s not mine, Bebe. I’m fine. You don’t have to mother me. Though I must admit, seeing your concern warms my heart.”

I crinkle my nose, not sure if he’s teasing me or not. “You’re my brother. I’m going to care if you get hurt.”

“Glad to hear it.” He smiles, but there’s pain behind that smile. We’ve lost so much time together. Time we can never get back. Liam shifts, clearly uncomfortable with the heaviness of the moment. “Oh, we brought you a gift.”

“A gift?”

Liam calls to someone outside. The door swings open, and dozens of women are being ushered inside.