Laughter filled the air.
Lady M’s cackling stood out above all the others. “Oh my, I like this one.” She patted Pyro’s cheek firmly. Of course it was to intimidate the dude, something she was the queen of—intimidation. “You boys better mind yourself. This is Piper’s Pyro. I won’t have any of you messing with him. Unless I tell you to.” She winked at us. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s get you settled in your room.”
“See you soon, Destiny.” Piper hugged my girl and me one more time. “Be good to her.”
I didn’t even reply. She should know I had more than half a brain in my thick skull.
“Nice meeting you, Pyro.” Destiny waved. “I’ll get you a drink. Is there anything else you want?”
“A drink will do for now.” But later, I’d need her under me while I fucked her all night to work off the tension inside me.
I felt tremendous stress and uncertainty, no thanks to her brothers watching my every move. I had an inkling of how Pyro might have felt, and I was damn sorry for my brothers and my dickish behaviors.
No man appreciated being treated like an untrustworthy criminal.
And here I’d invited Copter and Gunner to transfer into my chapter. They’d already accepted, and Cobra had approved.
What would I do with the Goode brothers breathing down my neck and interfering with my relationship with Destiny?
Would our friends-with-benefits arrangement come to an end?
Or maybe I needed to claim her to ensure I never lost her.
But how could I do that when she barely discovered who her real family was? I wouldn’t come between them. I wanted her to get to know her parents and brothers. I just didn’t want her running off to the West Coast for weeks at a time.
“Micah? Everything all right?” She handed me a glass of whiskey. “I thought you had followed me inside.”
“I was just breathing in the country air.” I shook the depressing thoughts out of my head. I didn’t own Destiny. I’d let her decide what was best for her and us, then I’d have to live with it whether I liked it or not.
Lady M
My sweet baby girl came home with only a nick on her beautiful face. It could have been far worse. I thanked the heavens above for protecting her. I watched the young man sitting in the corner. He played a big part in keeping my baby safe too.
“Can I get you anything, baby girl?” I kissed her head. No matter how old my kids were, they would always be my baby. They sometimes rolled their eyes at me when I was overdramatic, but they loved having a fussy mama bear.
“I’m exhausted, Momma. We both are.”
“Mhm. And where are your things, Pyro? I don’t imagine sleeping in jeans is comfortable.” I knew it wasn’t. Ben slept nude. My sons probably did, too, but I’d never ask them about it.
“My luggage is at the casino.”
“I’ll have one of the boys retrieve it.” I twirled a lock of Piper’s silky long brown hair around my finger like I used to do when she was young. “Is the casino where the two of you met?”
“Here it comes, Russell,” Piper said with amusement in her voice.
“Well, I need to know a little more about him. He’s the first man who’s been allowed in my daughter’s bedroom, who isn’t her father or brother.”
“Yes, ma’am. We met in Club Solo,” Pyro replied.
“Just last night?”
“Friday night, actually.” Piper gazed up at me. “I know it’s fast.”
“It is, but I’d never question someone’s emotions. I only want the best for my children.” I turned my attention to Pyro. “In an MC family, we do things differently than the average family.”
“Yes, ma’am.”