My Destiny shined brighter than any star in the sky. She exuded peace and love, even after the way Roland had used and abused her. She might even be a fiercer force than Lady M, which was saying something.
Before the blonde bombshell had entered my life and showed me how our circumstances didn’t matter or dictate who we were, I had drowned myself in toxicity and poured it out on the ones I loved most.
My girl had shown me we could rise above the poison and be a light in the darkness. Not that I believed I could ever be as buoyant and lustrous as Destiny. Fuck no. But I could absorb a little when in her sublime presence.
Speaking of my girl… And my mom. They exited the house and waited on the porch. I imagined the second Lady M heard the vehicles, her heart rate spiked, and she ran to greet us. Probably anxious to hug her baby girl and kiss each of her boys… Including me.
I exhaled a nervous breath and got out of the cab. The time had come to put shit behind us and mend fences. Life was too fucking short to dwell on the past and what couldn’t be changed—just another thing I had learned from Destiny.
The other old ladies joined Destiny and Lady M.
No doubt anxious to hug and kiss their man, assess his health, and ensure he was in one piece. I envied my brothers. They had good women, but I had the best. Sort of. Maybe someday I could call her my old lady.
Easton and Mason stood beside Destiny and dashed my dreams. A pang in my chest had me rubbing it as I stalked toward the waiting crowd.
Destiny bounded down the stairs and jumped into my arms. “Oh my gosh, I was so worried.” This girl was unapologetic with her expression of…
I wouldn’t allow myself to think of the L-word. She cared about me as any friend would. “I’m okay, honey.” I patted her back and tried to pull back.
“Don’t you dare let go of me, Micah Knight.” Her embrace tightened, squeezing the life out of me with anaconda strength. It felt fucking incredible to be on the receiving end.
One by one, the women went to greet the guys.
“Micah, I’m so happy to see you and your brothers are okay.” Lady M’s voice was full of emotion.
Destiny released me and threaded her fingers with mine. My family would never believe we were only friends at this rate. Hell, I didn’t know if I even did.
“Yeah, we’re okay.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Will we get an opportunity to talk before Destiny and I head home?”
She rapidly blinked and nodded. “Yes, baby. Absolutely, yes.”
“Good. Go see your little girl. We’ll be inside.” I led Destiny to the porch, turning my head to watch Lady M and Piper’s reunion. I had to admit it was heartwarming.
“Bone, good to see everyone made it back all right,” Copter said. Gunner nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, can’t say I’d like to do it again.”
“You better not.” Destiny rested her head on my shoulder.
Her brothers shot intense looks at each other.
“I need a drink.” I opened the screen door and waited for Lady M and Piper to enter.
“Thanks, brother.” Piper smiled. “I’m going up to take a nap. Will you be here when I wake up?”
“Probably not. Hug me now, just in case.” I hadn’t gotten a chance to squeeze the little princess since she was rescued. “Are you sure about the drummer?” I whispered.
She hit my arm. “Not you too. Jeez, you boys are insufferable.”
“You know I had to ask. I won’t be around to torment him.” I cut my gaze to Pyro. “Do you know what I’m thinking?”
“Probably. I won’t hurt her.”
“Are you afraid of me?”
“Honestly, Micah. You’re such a bully.” Piper sidled up against her drummer.
Pyro furrowed his brow and tucked Piper into his side. “Not with this one here to protect me from the lot of you.”