Page 64 of Piper's Pyro

“Like expecting Piper to be with a biker.”

“Momma.” Piper sighed. “Do we have to do this now?”

“No, I suppose not. I was just giving him something to think about.”

“You did, ma’am.”

“Call me Lady M.” I got off the bed. Micah was waiting for me. As much as I dreaded what we’d discuss, it needed to be done.

“Will do. And you can call me Russell.”

“I sure will, Russell. Sleep well, baby. I’ll make sure no one bothers you.”

“Thank you.” She yawned and stretched in her bed.

The sight reminded me of how she’d spread out in the middle of her bed when she was young. She used to say,“Momma, there’s no room for a husband in my bed because I’m a starfish, and he won’t fit.”I used to laugh, but I knew the day would come when a man would win my daughter’s affection, and she’d make room for him. Just thought he’d be a biker…

“Just send Russell downstairs if you need anything.” I blew her a kiss and left the room. I stood there for a second and listened to their quiet voices.

“Will you hold me, please?” she asked.

“My pleasure, princess.”

Stupid tears flooded my eyes as my fears were confirmed. My baby girl was in love. It was like I’d only blinked, and twenty-three years had passed without my notice.

It wasn’t fair and bittersweet.

I pulled myself back together and went downstairs to find Ben. When I heard the motors driving onto the property, I’d forgotten all about my husband. Bad, Lady M. He’d given me the time I needed with Piper and didn’t invade our space. He was so good to me—my selfless biker.

When he saw me, his steel gray eyes twinkled. “You all better now that our baby girl is home?” He tugged me into his arms.

“Yes, and thank you for letting me have my time with her.” I inhaled his natural scent and kissed his neck.

“You needed it more than me. I’ll see her later.” He spanked my bottom, catching me by surprise.

“What was that for?”

“You left her with a stranger. That’s not like you at all, Margaret.”

“Why are you calling me by my first name?” I poked him in the side. “He’s not a stranger to her.”

“That’s the truth.” Silas’s voice came from behind us. I knew the tone. He was looking to cause trouble, and I wouldn’t allow it.

“You got something to say, son? I want to hear it.” Ben sounded ready for war. He was usually calm and reasonable. All bets were off when it came to his only daughter.

“He has nothing to say, right?” Buff exited the kitchen. We were in a narrow hallway. The raging testosterone among the three of my loves heated it up like a bonfire.

“Buff, don’t interfere,” Ben told him.

“Sounds like Spectre is the one interfering in Piper’s life.” Jonah had that right.

“Are we ready to convene in the living room?” Bone called from the other end of the hallway. “Is something wrong?”

“No, honey. We’re coming right now.” I took Ben’s hand. “Behave yourself. All of you.” I clucked my tongue.

The room was filled with most of the family, except for Easton and Mason. I didn’t mind if they knew the truth after today, but I didn’t want to air my dirty laundry in front of them. They were still too new for me to feel comfortable discussing personal issues.

I sat quietly, waiting on Micah to begin. Mercy, I prayed it went smoother than the last time.