Page 57 of Piper's Pyro

Piper’s brothers appeared in the doorway with their weapons drawn.

Forrest dropped to his knees and aimed his gun at the brothers.

All hell was about to break loose.

As the first bullets flew through the air, I dove onto Piper to cover her like a human shield. Our foreheads banged as I smashed her against the mattress.

“Ouch!” She grunted and yelped at the sudden impact. “Are you fucking crazy?”

“Probably.” I lowered my head as if it would help to escape the flying ammunition. “Dammit, it’s good to see you.” I kissed her cheek despite the imminent danger we were in.

“Stop it, you idiot.”

“There’s the bitchy princess I’m addicted to.”

She smiled and locked her gaze on mine. No matter what went on around us, we were together, and that was all that mattered to me.

The room grew eerily quiet. I peeked over my shoulder and found Piper’s brothers glaring at me. Forrest was on the floor, covered in blood.

Spectre pulled me off my princess.

I stumbled to get my footing and saw the blade clutched in my bloody hand. I must’ve forgotten about it.

“Jesus Christ! She’s bleeding,” Cobra shouted while assessing her. “What did you do?”

“He cut her.” Spectre squeezed my wrist and revealed the scalpel. I dropped it onto the floor.

“I’m fine.” Piper put her hand over her cheek. “It’s just a scratch.”

“Bullshit. It’s going to need stitches.” Cobra shot me a deadly look. “You had one goddamn job. To protect our sister, and you cut her. What if you’d stabbed her in the neck and hit an artery? She could be dead!”

Deadrung in my head. I was lost for words, my heart thundering against my ribs.

“Cobra, stop it! It was an accident,” Piper yelled.

“Accidents or mistakes aren’t allowed when it comes to our family.”

He was right. I could’ve killed Piper just like Rachel, though it hadn’t been intentional. I should’ve been more careful with Piper. I should’ve listened to Rachel when she begged me to stay with her. She might be alive if I hadn’t blown her off.

When Buff had Piper’s restraints off, Cobra scooped her up. “I’m getting you out of here.”

It was total chaos in my head, spinning out of control as I replayed what had happened. When I descended on Piper, I had the blade in my hand. Gunfire surrounded us. I’d forgotten about the scalpel.

You could’ve killed her.

“Russell,” Piper hollered. “Don’t leave me.”

“He’s the last person you need,” Spectre growled.

The room was mostly cleared out. Bone and Hustler must’ve gotten Stitch out right after Forrest was killed. I’d been consumed by Piper that I hadn’t noticed they were gone or the cut on her face.

“Come on.” Buff put his hand on my back and nudged me out. “My sister’s calling for you.”

“I don’t know. Cobra isn’t happy with me.”

“He’s not the one you should worry about.”

“He’s not?” I wrinkled my brow in confusion. Who could he be talking about?