Page 56 of Piper's Pyro

If he only knew the truth.

“I watched theGrey’s Anatomyseries three times. I know when someone needs a blood transfusion.” Part of me wanted to rile him up. Throw him off kilter to knock the fucking gun out of his hand. But he’d probably shoot before I could get to him.

“It’s crazy who they let into the medical field.” He shook his head.

“No joke,” I grumbled.

“What’d you say?”

Panic flashed in Stitch’s eyes.

“I was only agreeing with you. Can you help me wash the wound?”

“No. You’re on your own.” He moved toward Piper. “Are you doing okay, sweetheart?” He kissed her and I nearly charged at him.

“Scalpel,” Stitch whispered.

I lifted one pant leg and didn’t find it.

“The other one.”

My heart rate thumped like a drum. “Got it.”

“Cut me loose.”

I peered at Piper, kissing that fucker like her life depended on it. I understood she was trying to divert his attention, but I hated every second of his lips on hers.

“Hurry,” Stitch hissed. “Are they coming?”

“Any minute.”

“Protect Piper.”

“What are you whispering about?” Forrest asked, his face flushed.

“Just talking about the love scene happening during a hostage situation.” I cut through the last zip tie. Stitch was in no condition to help me disarm Forrest. His arms fell to his sides, and he winced in pain.

“I don’t appreciate your sarcasm.”

I raised to my full length, knowing Piper’s brothers would have the door off the hinges any second. I needed to distract Forrest, and pissing him off was the best and most dangerous way to do it. What other choice did I have? “Oh yeah, I don’t appreciate you kissing my—”

“Russ—” Piper snapped her mouth shut when Forrest whirled on her.

“Were you going to say, Russell?” Rage swept across his face as he looked back and forth from me to Piper.

“I… I…” Piper stuttered.

“Do you know him?” he roared.

“Fuck yeah, she knows me. Every inch of me.” I adjusted my grip on the scalpel, preparing to ram it into his heart when he charged at me.

But he didn’t come after me.

He turned his back and went after Piper. “You lying bitch! First, you kill our baby, and now—”

A loud bang came from the door. The Knights had finally arrived.

I raised the blade above my head and lunged at Forrest. He sensed my movement, jerked to the side, and the bumbling, clumsy fool I was, I only cut his arm instead of stabbing him in the back. I was a musician, not a violent criminal.