“Nope. You should be scared of Piper’s wrath. If she said don’t leave her. You best get your ass down there and glue yourself to her hip. She’s liable to make you wish you’d never been born if you offend her.”
“Sounds like I don’t have much choice when you put it that way.”
“You always have a choice. Leave but then don’t ever come back.” He pushed the down arrow at the elevator.
“I vote he leaves,” Spectre said from behind us.
“Why do you hate me so much? I haven’t done a damn thing to you.”
“Because you’re a drug addict. I don’t want you to drag my sister down. Don’t burden her with your shit. Do the right thing.” Spectre entered the steel box and crossed his arms over his chest. “Let her go.”
“Fuck, brother. You’ve turned into a first-rate asshole.” Buff shook his head. “You know he’s clean, yet you won’t give him a break.”
“Nope. I don’t trust him, and Piper deserves better than a backup drummer.”
Shit, his words cut me deeply. But he wasn’t wrong. Piper should be with someone who would never hurt her. Or be a burden. Someone her family could trust.
That person wasn’t me, but I sure as hell wished it could be.
“When we get downstairs. Don’t cause a scene. Just go quietly.” Spectre tapped his foot the rest of the way, then darted out when the doors opened.
“Don’t listen to him. If Piper wants you and you want her, do everything you can to prove you’re worthy. I’ll support the two of you.” He winked and exited.
“Where’s Russell?” Piper’s distressed voice pinged off the walls. “I swear to God if one of you scared him off, you will have hell to pay!”
I couldn’t help but smile. She was a badass biker bitch.
I followed the bickering and stopped at the threshold of a room. Our eyes met. My heart swelled with an emotion I’d never felt before, nor could I put a name to it. After Rachel’s death, my soul died with her. Drugs, music, and pussy had been what I needed to survive.
Now I only need the gorgeous brunette with her hand reaching for me. “Come here.”
“I’m here and not going anywhere.” At least not that second.
My heart and soul met his for the first time when our hands connected. I wasn’t sure what had changed in me. Perhaps not knowing the fate of my future. There were so many possibilities of how the hostage situation could’ve ended. I was thankful it wasn’t with mine, Brady’s, or Russell’s death.
“I’m sorry I cut your beautiful face.” The remorse in his brown depths made me cry. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, princess. I would never intentionally hurt you.”
The more he said, the more I cried.
“I can’t finish when you’re crying,” the doctor said.
The cut was on my cheek near my hairline. It would leave a bit of a scar, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to wait for a plastic surgeon to stitch me up. I wasn’tthatvain. All I wanted was to go home, see my mom, and lock Russell and me in my bedroom.
“Could she be in pain?” Russell asked as he stroked the top of my head.
“I numbed the area. It’s probably the adrenaline wearing off after the events of the day.”
I sniffled and dried my eyes with a tissue. “Just hurry so we can go.” I wasn’t about to explain why I was in tears in front of someone else. It was too personal and for Russell’s ears only.
We remained quiet for the next half an hour. Russell held my hand and rubbed his thumb against the top. It was sweet, but I could tell he struggled with his inner thoughts. I sensed it had to do with my brothers guarding the door. A different one would poke his head in every few minutes to check on me. As much as their overprotectiveness annoyed me, it was just how they were. My safety was their number one priority. I loved them for their devotion and fearlessness to do anything to protect me.
But I didn’t need them to shelter and defend me from Russell. I could do that all on my own.
They should have confidence in me. After all, they were the ones who had trained me not to take shit from anyone. They should’ve known I would never take crap from them too.