I blinked and squinted my eyes. Was it? It couldn’t be.
“Give it up for Pyro!” Flint yelled.
Pyro stood, waved his sticks in the air, and sat back down.
“Holy fuck! It’s Russell! Mr. Cocksure!”
“Who?” the girls at the table asked in unison.
“My hookup last night!” I grabbed my drink and downed it. “He told me his name is Russell.”
The girls clapped and cheered for me.
“I’m so glad I convinced Abe to let me come.” Karma shifted her pregnant body for a better view.
“How could he lie to me?” I glared at the sexy SOB.
“He didn’t,” Emilee said. “Pyro must be his stage name.”
“I know it is, but he could’ve told me he was part of the band after we fucked.”
Emilee giggled. “Because rock stars always announce who they are, right?” She had a point.
The first song started, and I snapped my mouth shut. It was stupid to feel betrayed, but I did.
Just wait, Mr. Cocksure. When you see me backstage, you’ll regret making me leave last night.
As the night’s final song ended, the girls and I were on our feet, clapping and screaming. We’d sung along and danced. Laughed and swooned over Flint and Singe.
And Pyro.
Sometimes I thought he was watching me, but it was probably my imagination. Although the lounge wasn’t huge and our table was near the front, he might have noticed me.
If Mr. Cocksure had seen me, he hadn’t shown it.
There’d been times he looked unwell like he might throw up. When all eyes were on him, and the spotlights were off Flint and Singe, he seemed to hate it.
He was a musician and a fantastic one at that. I wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between Vapor and him. So why had my stomach twisted with anxiety during the drum solos?
“What a fabulous show,” Emilee shouted.
“It was fabulous. I’m so glad you came.” I hugged my dear friend. “We shouldn’t let so much time pass in between visits.”
“No, we shouldn’t. It’s finally calm and safe in Minnesota. It’ll be easier to plan stuff.”
“How’s everyone adjusting at the compound?” The Minnesota chapter had changed after my cousin Storm’s best friend rescued Tina’s daughter from a nutjob. Storm’s club had been brought to its knees, but they’d survived and were in the midst of rebuilding.
“Better, I think. It’s hard when loved ones leave and new people join the club. I experienced people coming and going a lot when I was a kid. I guess I’m used to it, but Storm didn’t deal too well. Danny still has days when he’s just off.” She frowned and searched for her husband.
“Lady M always told me nothing stays the same forever. We need to be flexible.”
“She’s a wise woman. I miss her.”
I smiled, but now wasn’t a good time to see my mother. It had only been a week since the ugly truth came out about Micah’s birth mom. My heart went out to my folks for what they’d experienced. But they shouldn’t have lied to my brother.
“Are you ready to leave, baby?” Danny reached his hand out, and Em took it.
“Mhm. Don’t be a stranger, okay?” She hugged me with her free arm.