Page 17 of Piper's Pyro

“They’re great and keep us busy. But Danny and I love being parents. It’s crazy how our club has exploded with babies… I love it.” She smiled sweetly.

“What can I get you, hon?” a server asked Emilee.

“A glass of Moscato, please.” Her cheeks turned pink. “Danny told me to let loose and drink all I want tonight. At home, I refrain from drinking around the kids.”

“You’re a saint.”

“Stop.” She elbowed me. “So, what’s new with you? Any special someone in your life?” She waggled her brows.

“Nope. Single as always.”

“Are your brothers scaring guys away? They need to back off, or you’ll never find someone.”

“Tell me about it. Lady M gets on them about hovering. Hustler has relaxed. The others haven’t.” I twisted my lips and raised my old fashion to my lips. “I’m cursed to be single forever.”

“Nothing wrong with being single,” Mercy said. “Why would you want to give up your independence for a bossy, over-the-top protective man? I don’t understand that line of thinking.”

“For top-notch sex, of course.” I laughed and popped a maraschino cherry into my mouth.

“What she said.” Emilee pointed at me.

“Aren’t they suffocating? There’s more to life than sex.” Mercy shook her head.

“No, there’s not,” Emilee and I replied simultaneously. We looked at each other and giggled.

“Don’t you want children?” Emilee asked Mercy.

“Yes, someday. But I don’t need a man to have a baby.”

“Don’t listen to her. She’s being stubborn because Stitch is after her. Doctor McHottie is relentless,” Hope shouted from Mercy’s side. They were best friends, so if anyone knew what the goings on were with Mercy, it would be Hope.

“I thought something was going on with Stitch and Mercy.”

“No, nothing is going on.” Mercy grabbed a pretzel from the bowl on the table. “Bikers aren’t my thing.”

The lights in the lounge flickered, and spotlights illuminated the stage.

“Oh my gosh, it’s starting!” I clapped my hands and wiggled my ass on the seat.

Flint took to the stage. My heart instantly stopped when his incredible voice filled the room. “Hello, Fargo! I’m Flint, as you probably know, the leader of the Flaming Triads.”

I screamed with every other woman in the building. If I wasn’t blocked in by my friends, I’d be kissing Flint’s feet on that stage. And any other body part he wanted my mouth on…

“My crew and I are ready to give you a fucking fantastic show. Are you ready for us?”

More screaming.

More clapping.

More heart-pounding excitement.

Flint pointed to his right. “You know, Singe. He’s my closest friend, right-hand man, and the best guitarist on the planet!”

The crowd went wild.

He pointed behind him. “This guy is a new face. My brother Vapor couldn’t make it tonight for personal reasons. He sends his apologies and promises to catch you at the next concert. But don’t worry. Pyro is here to fill in, and you will not be disappointed. Show ’em what you got.”

The drummer went nuts on the drums.