Page 19 of Piper's Pyro

“I won’t. I’ll call you soon. You all drive safe.”

Danny nodded as he guided his sweet wife through the crowd.

“There’s my plump wife.” Cobra snaked his hands around Karma’s belly. “Ready to leave?”

“I’m ready to pass out. I was energetic and lively during the show. Now I’m pooped.” Karma sagged against my brother.

“Me too,” Hope replied. “Where’s my guy?”

“He’s with the band. He said he’d be out shortly, but if you wanted to meet him backstage, you could go with Piper and Mercy.”

“I see Jonah.” Reign lifted onto her tiptoes to wave my other brother down. “He’ll escort us if you want to take this momma home.” She patted Karma’s tummy.

“Sounds good. Can I speak to you for a second?” Cobra asked me.

“Um… Sure.” I moved to the side. “What’s up?”

“I heard about your hookup last night. I’m not going to lecture you, but you need to be careful, sis.”

“Who told you?” I fisted my hands, wanting to punch someone in the mouth.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me. I want to know who tattled so I can kick him in the balls.” I was confident it had been Spectre who blabbed. I only wanted Cobra to confirm my suspicions.

“Listen to me. I’m only concerned with your safety. It’s been rough for all of us the past year with that fucker Forrest causing havoc.”

“I can take care of myself. And I definitely don’t need my brothers up in my personal business. You don’t own me.” I stabbed my finger in his chest.

“What’s going on here?” Karma asked, narrowed eyes trained on Cobra.

“Just having a word with Piper. Let’s go.” He wrapped his arm around his unconvinced wife.

She leaned toward me. “Call me if you need me to take care of this guy.” She winked and waddled away on the arm of my bossy, overbearing brother.

“Come on, Piper. Let’s meet the band.” Reign took my hand and tugged me along.

My stomach twisted into an excruciating knot when Russell’s face flashed behind my eyes. Was I ready to face him? Did I have a choice? No way in hell would I miss out on meeting Flint and Singe because their drummer had seen me naked.

What if Russell had told them about me?

What if he told them I was a boring fuck?

“Are you okay, babe?” Reign asked.

“Yeah. Why?”

“You’re squeezing the blood out of my hand.”

I let go and winced. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize what I was doing.”

“It’s okay. So long as you’re okay.”

I bobbed my head. “Yep, I’m just fine.”

“Ladies.” Buff winked as he held the door open for us.

Hustler stood outside the dressing room where Flaming Triads was written on a plaque hanging on the wall. Spectre was with him.