“But it’s what, aluminum?”

He mouths the words, “Ferrari,” again.

“Okay,” I mouth back, my mood lightening. “Take us to Crystal Falls, Fancy Shmancy.”

Cole shakes his head. “Did you just name my Ferrari, Fancy Shmancy?”

“Nope, I just named our Ferrari,” I laugh.

“Touché, Mrs. Holt.”


At about 4:30, we pull into a gas station in the town of Ely, which is about the half-way point between Crystal Falls and Las Vegas. Both Cole and Luke fill the cars with gas. I get out to stretch and start walking towards the store.

“Kate, where are you going?” Cole calls to me.

I turn around, continuing to walk backwards. “I’m going to use the restroom and get something to drink.”

“Wait for me.”

Why will you hold my hand in the bathroom? I’ll be right back.” I watch Cole glance at Luke, and they exchange looks. I sigh, then turn back around. I have no idea what that was about, and I don’t care. But maybe I should. When I come out of the restroom, I see Luke lingering in front of the aisle of pain relievers. “Are you feeling okay, Luke?” I walk up to him.

He gives me a confused look. “I’m well. Thanks for asking.”

“Okay, well you are standing there looking at the aspirin, I thought you might have a headache.” But really, I know why he’s standing there. He’s making sure I’m still alive. That’s the look Cole was giving him; the go keep tabs on my wife look, sheesh.

“Oh,” he says, looking at the shelves again like he’s seeing it for the first time, “a small headache, nothing to worry about.” And he grabs a small packet of pain reliever off the shelf.

Whatever, I’m just trying to be nice. I grab a cup, filling it with ice and diet soda.

“Kate Cook, is that you?” A voice next to me says.

I glance over to find none other than Tina Peterson staring at me; her face alight with what I can only assume is excitement but looks more like she’s on the verge of hysterics.

“It is you. Oh, my gosh! What are your odds of seeing you here? Do you live here?” Well, she certainly hasn’t changed since high school. Assuming I live here.

“Yeah, what are the odds? No, I don’t live here, just stopped to get gas.”

“Us too.” Tina is excited about something. She can’t seem to stand still. “I got married.” And she holds out her wedding ring for me to see.

“Congratulations.” I mutter, automatically feeling sorry for whoever the poor bastard is. Tina was the mean girl in high school. There was more than one occasion she obliterated girls, and even a few guys’ reputations for looking at her the wrong way.

“Do you remember Adam Grover? He was a grade ahead of us? I married him.”

Uh—never mind. If there were ever two people in this universe that deserved each other, it is the two of them.

That guy was the biggest jerk of them all.

“Oh sure. Lucky you.”

“Yeah, we’re headed to Las Vegas for our honeymoon.” There’s a commotion and Adam shoves past a couple of people towards Tina and me.

He trades glances between us. It takes him a minute, but he remembers me. “Kate Cook, what are you doing here? Do you work here or something?”

“Just passing through, same as you and Tina, here,” I say, trying to keep the disdain out of my voice, but hoping he hears it anyway.

“Tina, babe, you’ve got to see this. There’s a Ferrari outside, right next to us, getting gas.”