“No way,” Tina shouts, and the two of them head for the door. “Kate, do you want to see it.”

“I’m good, thanks.” I say waving them off. I get to spend another four hours riding in it.

“Just come.” Tina yanks my arm, pulling me towards the door with her. I glance back, mourning my abandoned drink, but Luke picks it up, saluting me with it.

Outside, Cole has become quite popular. A few onlookers snap pictures with their phones. While others whisper to each other and stare at him. He seems unfazed by it, ignoring everyone.

“To bad it’s not a convertible,” Tina shakes her head.

“I’m pretty sure it’s a convertible.” Both Tina and Adam turn around and glare at me like I’m a moron. Oh boy, if there was ever a time to put two people who treated me like garbage in high school in their place, now would be it. But that’s not me.

“Kate, I would know a convertible when I saw one.” The look Tina gives me brings back a flood of bad high school memories, and I stifle the urge to smack her.

“Okay, whatever you say.”

Luke comes out of the convenience store with my soda.

“Here you go Mrs. Holt.”

“Hey thanks, Luke.” I smile at him.

“Mrs. Holt?” Tina looks at me and then at Luke. “Did you get married?”

“Are you making friends, Cookie?” Cole walks up to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and kissing me on the cheek.

“Tina, Adam, this is my husband, Coulter. Coulter, this is Tina and Adam Grover. I went to high school with them. They’re headed to Las Vegas for their honeymoon.” I can’t help the smile on my face. It feels like it’s showing my soul and how happy I am to say those words ‘this is my husband Cole’.

Tina and Adam talk over each other, neither of them relent to the other. Finally, Cole holds up his hand to stop them both. It takes everything I have to hold back my laugh.

“Whoa, one at a time,” Cole states. “It’s nice to meet both of you.” He holds out his hand for Tina.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tina smacks her lips and her eyelashes flutter like she has something in her eyes.

“You as well,” Cole says, tugging his hand gently out of her grip.

“If this is your husband, then who is that guy?” Adam points to Luke, who’s leaning against the Escalade.

“That’s our bodyguard.” I glare at Cole. Did he really have to say that? I mean, I guess technically Luke is, but wouldn’t security or business associate or even our driver have been more professional? But when I notice Tina and Adam’s faces, it’s worth it. They look like they may fall over from shock.

“Come on, Cookie, we should get going and I think it’s your turn to drive the 458.”

“It was, um—nice to see you, congratulations and everything. If there were ever two people, I thought should end up together, it’s the two of you. Like—fate or something,” I say over my shoulder as I practically run to the driver’s side of the car.

Cole opens the door for me. When I’m seated, he leans over me, securing my seatbelt, not without feeling me up a few times first. “Here,” I point to my lips in a mock pout. He tangles his fingers in my hair, tipping my head up and devouring me in a hard, hot kiss. When he releases me, I’m breathless.

“I uh—um, I’m still driving.”

He laughs. “Just helping you relax so you’re not nervous and crash.”

“Hey, I’m an excellent driver.” But he’s right, I am nervous. I’ve never driven such a fancy expensive car before. When Cole gets in the car, he leans over me again, pushing a couple of buttons, then puts on his own seatbelt. Making a show of tightening it, he grasps onto the door and the front dash. Bracing himself. “All right. I’m ready.”

I smack him on the arm. “Stop it.” He laughs at me, then settles back in his seat.

“Oh, can we put the top down?”

“Of course.” Cole reaches over, pushing another button and we watch the top tilt back and store behind us. I can’t resist looking over at Tina and Adam, who are standing by their car. I point up and mouth, “convertible.”

“You don’t need to worry about shifting. I put the car in automatic mode, and the traction control is on, so you shouldn’t have any troubles.”