“What do you think they will do?”


“Kate.” The exasperation is clear in his voice.

“I don’t know Cole, honestly.” How do I tell him my biggest fear is that my family will make me try to choose between them and Cole? I’m not giving up one person like Cole is. I’m giving up ten people. Cole made that choice seem so easy. I’m not sure it will be that way for me. I’m not going to think like that until the time comes. I see Cole as my future and I refuse to regret any of the choices that I’ve made, because truthfully; there are no regrets.

Cole lets the conversation go for now. He’s not thrilled with my answers, but I know he can tell how much anxiety this is causing me. He continues to rub and scratch my hand on his thigh as we drive. I relax back into the seat, closing my eyes.

The next thing I know, we’re slowing down. I jerk awake, panicked we’re already in Crystal Falls.

“Shit, Kate,” Cole frowns. “What’s wrong?”

I look around. He has pulled into a rest area. “Nothing, sorry,” I say, slumping back into my seat, taking a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. “Why are we stopping?”

Cole continues to glower. “Are you that freaked out about me meeting your parents?” He’s undeterred by my attempt to not answer his question. He’s come to a stop, so I undo my seatbelt and get out of the car. I don’t want to think about it anymore, and I certainly don’t want to talk about it anymore.

“Kate,” I hear Cole behind me, so I pick up my feet, running. I make it to the women’s restroom before he catches me and dart into one of the stalls, locking it. I sink down but then think better of it and instead, place my hand against the door, my rest head against my hand.

The outside door bangs open. “Kate, where are you?” Oh shit. Are you serious? Pretty sure women’s restroom means no men allowed, but apparently Mr. Bossy pants doesn’t care.

“Go away,” I shout, “you’re not allowed in here.” That was the dumb thing to do. I just told him exactly where I am. Not that it matters. I’m the only one in this old yucky restroom. We’re on a two-way highway in the middle of the Nevada desert.

Cole comes up to my stall and shakes the door.

“Open the door, Kate.”

“No, I’m trying to pee, go away.”

He doesn’t say anything, he just shakes the door again, trying to jar it open. Thankfully, it holds.

I hear the stall door next to me open and then watch as Cole climbs over the adjoining metal wall into my stall. Oh, hell no. Who does this guy think he is? Oh yeah, he’s, my husband. I grab for the door, but Cole is faster, grabbing my arms, putting himself in front of the door, in our now very confined space.

I turn my head and cross my arms with a defiant humph, readying myself for Cole’s temper. Instead, he enfolds me in his arms. Caressing his hands along my back. I remain stiff. I’m not sure what he’s doing. He tugs the back of my shirt, and I feel Cole’s cool hands on my bare skin, his fingers pressing into the stressed muscles. I relent, wrapping my arms around him, and relaxing into his chest.

“That’s better.” He tugs gently on my hair, pulling my head up so I’m looking at him. I give him a guarded look. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really,” I say, trying to give myself an out.

He sighs, “why not?”

I shrug.

“Kate, that’s not an answer. Why are you so afraid of me meeting your family?”

“I’m not afraid of that. I’m afraid of what comes after. What my family will say, of what they might do.” My voice cracks with emotion, but I keep the tears at bay. I have a feeling they will have plenty of time to make an appearance later.

Cole cups my face in his hands. “We can’t do anything about that. Let’s wait and see what happens. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. All right?”

I nod my agreement. It’s good in theory, but it’s not going to calm my nerves or take away my apprehension. Cole pecks me on the lips.

“Let’s go.” He releases me, turns around, and opens the stall door.

Outside, it’s started to rain. Cole grabs my hand, and we race to the car, getting drenched. He opens my door and helps me in, then runs over to his side. I look above me; the top has been put on the Ferrari. I reach my hand up and touch the hard roof.

“Where did this come from? Was it in the Escalade?”

“Cookie, this is a Ferrari; it stores nicely in the back.”