"Have you known my husband long?" Her sweet expression had changed since he mentioned the name of the town. Jason figured she must not have liked where Sam came from. But Sam had been born and raised in New Mexico, Doubtful was just a little town he came into one day and won a ton of money at the poker tables. Deciding to stay he bought the saloon and ran it for five years. Still, a real lady wouldn't want to be reminded of the saloon he expected.

"I knew him ever since he came to Doubtful." Jason told her.

"Were you business associates with him then?" She asked sweetly once more.

"No, not exactly. I have a ranch outside of town." Jason explained.

"A ranch, oh how nice."

"How long has he worked for the bank here in Terrell?" Jason asked.

"Five years now. But he doesn't exactly work for the bank. He's the bank President."

"Really, I didn't know. He must have found work right off when you came here then."

"Yes, as a matter of fact he did. You see, my father owned the bank here in town. But he died last year and Sam has taken over."

"Really, that's interesting." Jason replied. "You know I think I detect a southern accent there. Are you from the deep south?" Jason asked eyeing her as her cheeks colored.

"Why yes I am. I'm from Georgia." She answered sweetly.

"Georgia, huh. That is astounding. Beautiful accent."

"Why thank you. I haven't learned to speak Texan yet." She smiled at him.

Just then her husband walked in and stared at Jason for several seconds before saying a word. "Jason Dubs?" He asked as though he couldn't quite believe it. His eyes were big and round and yet he veiled his reactions from his wife well.

"That's right, how are you Sam?" Jason stood up and shook hands with Sam. Sam had that polished gentleman look about him now. He was no longer the rough and tough cowboy he used to be. His blond hair was graying at the temples; his brown eyes bore a hole through Jason. From the looks of his expression he wasn't too pleased to see Jason either.

"What brings you to Terrell?" Sam asked his almost white brows meeting in the middle of his forehead.

"Well now, I've got something I wanted to talk over with you. Looks like you are doing well for yourself." Jason glanced about the well-furnished house.

"I'm doing just fine, Jason."

Staring at Jason, he turned to his wife.

"Helen we're going to step out here on the porch and talk a while, why don't you get supper ready for us." Sam told her without even giving her a hello. But he stood between Jason and Helen as though protecting her.

"Of course, excuse me please," Helen looked at Jason.

Jason nodded. Then looked up at the surprised Sam, "How's things going here in Terrell for you Sam?" Jason smiled. "Well, I guess I shouldn't even ask if you are a bank President now."

Sam opened the front door and when they walked out to sit down on the porch in the rocking chairs Sam eyed him with precision. "You are about the last person I expected to see around here."

"I kind of thought that when I saw the look on your face." Jason smirked.

"Let's don't play games, Jason, what are you up to?"

"Can't an old friend look an old friend up?" Jason asked his brow lifting arrogantly.

"We were never really friends Jason, and for you to be here, there's got to be a reason." Sam said. "I know you too well. What's up?"

Jason stared at the street, quiet and hardly anyone stirred now that the day was over. "There's a reason all right. One I thought you might be interested in."

"I'm perfectly content here, I have no interest in anything in Doubtful these days, Jason." Sam assured him.

"You're going to be interested in this."