"Oh?" He managed to look arrogantly unaffected.

"Lilly's getting married." Jason told him.

"Married? Really, well good for her." When Jason didn't say anymore he went on. "And what has that to do with me?"

Jason had hoped for a different reaction. He knew Sam had been sweet on Lilly before and thought he'd be jealous. But Sam showed no signs of it.

"That doesn't bother you?" Jason watched him closely now.

"Why should it. Lilly and I were through a long time ago." Sam said.

"Not even interested in who she's marrying?" Jason kept up his questioning.

"All right Jason, who is she marrying?" Sam barely glanced at him as he stretched himself and watched the street.

"Cord McCall." Jason said.

This time he saw Sam's mouth twitch just a tad, as though he were a bit uncomfortable.

He looked right at him now, "Cord huh? Well, sort of figures they were sweet on each other a long time ago."

Jason looked off now, playing it cool. Maybe Cord really was Charlie's father. If that were the case his trip might have been wasted. "Yeah, he's come home to claim his kid."

This time Sam visibly flinched. He'd finally

hit a nerve. "His kid?"

"That's what he claims."

"Does Lilly deny it?"

"Nope!" Jason leaned back and lit a cigar.

"Want one?" He offered Sam one of his cigars from his coat pocket.

"No thanks. So—why is this supposed to interest me, anyway?" Sam asked a bit perturbed at Jason's attitude.

"Most everyone thought it was your kid." Jason remarked casually, waiting for another reaction.

But Sam was no fool and began to study Jason, with a steady glance. "I don't think that concerns me at all. I gave up any claims to Lilly or the town of Doubtful a long time ago. I've got a good home, a good job, and I'm very happy right here. So…what are you up to Jason. I know it wasn't just to bring me this news."

"Well, I figured we had something in common." Jason still had a few aces up his sleeve.

"Yeah, what's that?" Sam asked his anger festering.

"We both want Cord McCall dead." Jason snickered.

A cooling wind stirred the leaves on the trees in Sam's yard. A hint of autumn was in the air.

"The last I heard," Sam grit his teeth and stared at Jason with renewed interest. "You had two brothers. I'd think between the three of you, you could get that job done just fine. After all, Cord killed your daddy, didn't he?"

"He did, and now Butch is dead. Cord killed him." Jason said lowly.

"I see, and between you and that weasel of a brother, Dan, you can't get the job done. You want me to do it for you."

"I can see where it would be mutually beneficial for you."

Sam cleared his throat and looked about. "Well you are wrong, Jason. Dead wrong. Why would I mess my perfectly good life up here, to go do your dirty work for you?" Sam slanted him a huge frown. "You've come for nothing Jason. I'm not hired killer."