He fastened his horse to the railing in front of the saloon and went in. The fastest way to find someone was to go to the local saloons and ask. So that's what he did.

Jason ambled up to the bar and leaned against it until the bartender asked him what he'd have. "A beer." Jason replied.

When the bartender came back with his beer he asked him, "You know a Sam Donaldson?'

"Why shore, everybody knows Sam. You a friend of his?" The bartender asked twirling his mustache.

"You might say that. Where can I find him?" Jason asked fingering the top of the glass.

"He lives at the north edge of town. Got a nice place. How long's it been since you've seen him?"

"Oh a while now. Heard he married and settled down."

"Prettiest little thing you ever did see."

"Well thank you. I appreciate it." Jason tipped the bartender and he smiled.

Jason went out and looked down the street. He headed north until he came to a cute little place that had a white picket fence around it.

Dismounting he went to the door and knocked.

A young woman came to the door and stared, "Yes, can I help you?"

Jason stared at her long beautiful brown hair, and clear blue eyes. She was round in all the right places, but round nonetheless. She was expecting a baby any day now.

"I'm Jason Dubs, I was looking for your husband, Sam Donaldson." Jason tipped his hat to her.

"Well, won't you come on in. He'll be getting off work in no time." She told him.

Jason studied her a bit. "Thank you."

She was short and dainty looking. She had beautiful hair and eyes.

She offered him a seat and asked if he'd like some coffee. Jason nodded, "That would be nice, I'm parched I've come a long way."

While she went to the kitchen, he glanced around the house. The furniture was first class, nothing but the best, she kept a clean house too. He noticed pictures on the wall, and a small gun collection too. But these guns were real old and definitely worth a small fortune.

"Your husband has a fine collection of guns." He nodded to the cabinet against the far wall.

"Oh, that belonged to my father, some of those are from the civil war actually, and there's one from the war of 1812." She smiled.

"Fine collection, must be worth a small fortune."

"Yes, I suppose so, but I know very little about guns. Sam could tell you a lot about them. Daddy gave them to him just before he died. Sam absolutely loves them. Why he oils them almost every night."

He took the coffee from her hands.

"Oh, excuse my bad manners Mr. Dubs. Where are you from, I don't recollect seeing you in town?" She asked innocently as she stared at his handsomely tailored suit.

Jason glanced around the room and answered, "I'm from Doubtful, ma'am."

"Doubtful, oh, I see. Well, my husband works at the bank here in Terrell, and he's not here right now. But he gets off in a half hour so he'll be home soon. If you don't mind waiting."

"I don't mind at all. If I'm not intruding on you." Jason used all his manners because it was obvious this woman was a true southern and genteel lady.

"My name is Helen by the way."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Helen."