They went back outside, giggling and hollering.

It was dark and suddenly, Pedro heard a baby cry and his eyes lit with happiness.

Lilly came out with the baby girl. "She's beautiful," Lilly said looking longingly at the baby in her arms.

Pedro came toward her and took the child from her arms and looked into its tiny face and smiled so radiantly, almost as though the sun had broken loose.

"I am so blessed, is Maria, alright?"

"She's fine, doc's just cleaning her up for you, then you can go in."

Pedro nodded, and started waltzing around the house with the baby. His kids heard him and came running in. Pedro bent down to show them his little daughter.

"She's mucho little."


"What's her name?"

"I will talk with your mother first on that." Pedro smiled.

The doc came out and Pedro took the baby to Maria placing her in her arms. "She is beautiful, mucho beautiful."

"I know…" Maria smiled. "Are you pleased my husband?"

"God knows my happiness." Pedro smiled as he watched the baby nurse against his mother. "There is nothing as precious as that."

Maria smiled. "I want to name her after Lilly. Is that all right?"

"That would be mucho good, my love." Pedro smiled. "She is much like a flower, and as beautiful as a Lilly."

"Si, my love, she is." Maria cried and reached for him. He leaned over them, kissing Maria on the lips and his daughter on the forehead. "She is also mucho hungry."

Maria laughed.

Pedro sat with Maria for a long while and when Lilly came in they told her they were naming the child after her, Lilly cried. "That's so sweet of you."

The doc peaked in, "I better be going now. If you need me, let me know."

"Thank you doc, for everything." Maria cried.

Lilly walked the doc out and smiled. "There's nothing sweeter than a baby, is there?"

The doc looked pensive, "It's one of the most pleasant parts of my job, I can tell you. So…maybe it won't be long before I have to come visit you for the same reason." He winked as he got into his buggy.

"I hope so, doc. It won't be for not trying. The only other thing a woman can give her husband that he doesn't already have is his child. And I'm looking forward to it. Even though Cord loves Charlie like his own. You know he's going to adopt him so he has the same last name."

"You gave Charlie your maiden name, didn't you?"

"Yes, and I'm not a bit sorry for that." Lilly admitted.

"Charlie McCall, that has a good ring to it, doesn't it?"

Lilly smiled.

"See ya soon, Lilly." The doc smiled and rode off.

Lilly went back inside to fix the children something to eat. It was a busy household today. And God had smiled on Maria and Pedro, once again.