Chapter Twenty-Five

The men and boys came home from the hunting trip, wet, chilled and tired. They had two dear, several wild turkeys and two wild hogs. It was a good and successful hunt. And they had some stories to tell.

But Lilly looked from Don Diego to Cord with a big smile on her face, "Well, I have something to tell you before you get started on your tales."

"Oh, what's that." Cord bent to kiss her lips.

"Maria had her baby. It was a girl, she's beautiful and Maria is fine."

Don Diego smiled, "I must get over there then, it was a lot of fun Cord, glad we got enough to start stocking that smokehouse." He took Juan with him as he was anxious to see the baby too.

"Me too, thanks for the help, and your family is welcome to take meat any time you need it. We'll just have to keep stocking it is all." Cord waved him goodbye as he was anxious to congratulate his brother. "We'll probably have to make another trip, mid-winter or sooner, we've got a lot of mouths to feed."

"I'm up for it." Don Diego smiled.

Liam was busy on the porch plucking the turkey's.

Lilly and Cord joined him and Charlie.

"All right, I want to hear your stories now." Lilly smiled.

"Well to begin with Charlie got a wild hog, Juan got a wild turkey and the rest of us got the deer and others. I was never prouder of those boys. They listened and did as we told them and now they are official hunters." Cord told her.

"Gee, Charlie, I'm proud of you." She watched her son smile and lean negligently on the door frame with folded arms, and a fat cat expression.

She looked at Cord now. "Any problems?"

"Well the usual kind, Charlie's gun jammed once, Juan nearly stepped in an old bear trap, luckily Liam here saw it before he put his foot down. It must have been out there for years, it was all rusted, could have caused some real problems if Liam here hadn't seen it. The rain soaked us through and we got a little chilly. We herded the wild hogs into a gully and got two. The turkey shoot was pretty easy, we missed a couple of deer, but we fina

lly bagged two. With a side or two of beef and what we got today, we should be fixed for half the winter, or at least part of it."

"That's great news, now, why don't you all get some dry clothes on and warm up, then we can run over and see the new baby. She's beautiful." Lilly told him.

"Sounds good to me. Got anything to eat?"

"Sure I do, I made some roast, so we can eat either before we go over, or after."

"Before," Charlie spouted.

"You tired," Lilly asked him.

"I sure am, but it was fun, Ma." Charlie told her the glint in his eyes told her even more.

"Well, ya'll wash up and I'll get us some food on the table. I made a peach cobbler too."

Cord turned to look at her, he reached to pull a strand of her hair through his fingers, fascinated. "Sounds mighty good, honey." He kissed her on the nose. "Say did Pedro have any problems?"

"Only while Maria was delivering. He nearly wore a hole in the floor pacing the kitchen." She laughed.

"I'll bet. I'll probably be just as bad." He winked and went to wash.

Lilly stared after him quietly, reflecting.

Charlie followed him.

Liam joined them at the table after he cleaned up and changed clothes. "It was fun, but I'm sure glad to be home. Don't know what gets into us men, we can't wait to go, and can't wait to get back." He chuckled as he passed the roast.

"I'm just glad nothing went wrong."