She nodded.

Doc went to fetch Lilly.

"It's her time?" Lilly looked surprised and yet happy.

"Yes, do you know where Pedro is?"

"No, but I can send Maria's boy to find him for us." Lilly smiled as she grabbed a few things she thought Maria might need.

They hurried back to Maria's and Doc sent the youngest boy out to get his father.

Meanwhile Lilly helped prepare the room for the delivery, putting a rubber sheet like thing over the mattress and fixing the sheet, then putting towels and rags out, with a new baby blanket that Maria had just knitted.

Maria looked at her strangely. "I felt so good today, I had no idea."

"It's wonderful Maria. Just wonderful and we have everything we will need for the baby and the delivery, you just relax and try to take your mind off the pain."

"I'm not really in pain, just some twitching in my back."

"It could come very quickly, the doc said."

"I hope so…" Maria shot her a wary look.

"Don't you be afraid, honey. We've got everything ready for it." She smiled as she went through the drawer full of baby items.

"I'm so glad you are here; Pedro gets anxious during the birthing." She explained.

"We'll take care of him too." Lilly chuckled.

Directly Pedro came running in the house, "She's going to have it today?" His face was full of emotions, happy, anxious and slightly nervous.

"Yes Pedro, any time now." The doc smiled his stoic smile.

"Madre Mia," Pedro exclaimed.

"Say now, you've had three this one shouldn’t come as a surprise."

"I'm not good during this time. She screams and I panic." He told him throwing his hands in the air.

"Screaming is good. As the bible says, a woman goes through the gates of hell to have a child." The doc smiled.

"I know, that's what makes me so anxious." Pedro frowned beginning to pace the kitchen.

"She's got me and Lilly to look after her, she'll be fine." The doc told him. "Have some coffee. Play games with the kids, find something to do, it will help pass the time. You've been through this before, don't fret."

"Si…" He frowned. "Always you tell me to have some coffee. Coffee makes me shake!" Pedro exclaimed.

The doc shook his head and scolded him, "She's the one having the baby, I need to get in there and help her, now you buck up."

"Si." But Pedro knew he would not.

Maria began to have pains and the doc did everything to keep her at ease, while Lilly wiped the sweat from her forehead and held her hand, talking soothingly to her. Her water suddenly broke and Lilly managed to change the sheets by moving Maria to one side first, then the other.

Hours passed and the pain increased and so did Maria's sobs and screams. She apologized each time and the doc just smiled at her, "You go ahead and scream hon, I know it hurts."

Now Pedro walked the kitchen floor, wiping sweat from his face with his bandana. Every time Lilly or the doc came out of the room he looked anxious but they would shake their heads at him. Why did having a baby take so long?

He continued to pace. The kids came in and kept asking if they had a brother or a sister, but Pedro shewed them outside. "I'll send for you when it comes, go play."