Page 45 of A Kiss Of Lies

Christian could not avert his gaze from them. He was transfixed by the handsome couple. They were well suited. Sarah’s fair hair and curls contrasted beautifully with Sebastian’s auburn hair. Sarah looked at ease in Sebastian’s company, more so than she’d ever seemed in his.

His Judas friend showed no sign of remorse over his treachery. But then again, Sebastian considered women fair game. Christian’s stated interest in Sarah would be unlikely to stop him.

His jealousy got the better of him. Unable to wait until later, he spoke, wanting to watch the reaction on Sebastian’s face as he told them they’d be leaving tomorrow. In a flash, he calmly said, “There’s a change of plans, old boy. I have decided the sooner I can get to England the better. We leave tomorrow. I cannot delay any longer. Any more delay only leaves the field open further for Barforte.”

He did not miss the quick glance shared between Sarah and Sebastian. Sebastian nodded. “I cannot disagree with that sentiment.”

“Really? I do hope that this does not upset anyone’s plans,” he said.

Sebastian gave him a puzzled look. “What plans? You know my plans. I’m here until Hadley sends word.”

Sarah looked briefly at Sebastian with a frown but said nothing, knowing it was not her place to ask questions.

“So you’d have no objection if I—we—leave tomorrow?” Christian moved his gaze to Sarah.

Sebastian’s lips thinned, and Christian could tell his friend was annoyed. Sebastian understood the meaning behind his inquiry.

“Other than the fact I haven’t seen you in several months, and I’d enjoy your company should you decide to stay longer . . .”

“I thought there might be another reason why you’d be disappointed at my leaving.”

Sarah put down her cutlery and looked at the two men in turn. She’d picked up on the undercurrent of tension between them. “Perhaps I should partake of the rest of my meal in my room. You gentlemen obviously have something to discuss.”

Christian thumped the table with a closed fist. “Don’t leave!” His barely suppressed anger was reflected in the sharpness of his barked command.

Sarah gave him a startled look.

“Christian, you are making an idiot of yourself over nothing.” Sebastian’s lips curled up in scorn.

“Am I?” He took a bite of his food even though it tasted like ash in his mouth, and let his comment hang like a challenge in the air.

Of course Sebastian knew why he was angry. He had guilt written clearly all over his handsome features. Sarah, on the other hand, still pretended to have no comprehension of the situation.

“I am one of your oldest friends. Your thoughts malign me.”

Christian threw his glass across the room. It shattered against the wall. “Your actions malign me!”

Sarah collapsed back in her seat, her eyes wide and aghast at the violence in his tone and actions.

“I gave you my word.” Sebastian’s voice held more than a hint of steel, and he threw his napkin on the table. It was just as well it was merely made of cloth, such was the force of his throw. Sebastian rose and approached Christian. “I’ll excuse your idiocy because of what you have been through. Any other man I would have knocked senseless by now. Don’t expect much more leeway from me.”

Sebastian had all but issued a challenge. Christian pushed himself to his feet, toppling his chair backward with a crash. He lunged at his friend, his fist connecting with Sebastian’s chin, snapping his head back with a loud crack.

Sebastian quickly recovered and with a savage growl tackled Christian to the ground. Throwing punches at each other, they rolled on the floor. The sickening thud of fist on flesh echoed around the room. The dining table’s contents rattled loudly each time they banged into the legs.

The men wrestled on the floor like children. Sarah jumped up to flee, and her glass slipped from her hand and toppled over, smashing mere inches from the men’s faces. The blood-red wine seeped across the floor, bleeding like Christian’s battered pride.

He glanced at Sarah. Her bottom lip was trembling, she was shaking like a leaf, and there were tears in her eyes.

Christian moved to reassure her, but she jumped back, away from his touch, more spooked than a hunted deer.

His heart stilled. He’d frightened her. The seething violence within his heart frightened even him. But he’d never hurt Sarah; he’d never hurt a woman. He’d never lose control the way his father had.

The two men pushed away from each other and sat on the floor, breathing hard.

Sarah backed away from the table, eyes wide and filled with revulsion. Without looking at Christian, she turned and ran from the room.

Sarah felt two pairs of eyes burning holes into her back as she left the room. There was an ominous silence behind her, testament to the private war being waged between them. She did not know what Sebastian had done, but the change in Christian was disturbing.