“Okay,” I reply airily, wasting no time in conceding. I could have said no, but who am I kidding, of course I want to see him again. “Where are we meeting?”

“How about I pick you up about two thirty? Same place I dropped you off this morning?” he suggests, and I close my eyes mentally cussing myself out for giving him a false address. I suppose I could drive there, save me a cab fare.

“Yeah sure, that suits me,” I toss the duvet off me, already wondering what the hell I’m going to wear.

“I’ll see you soon then, baby girl.” My pulse speeds up a touch whenever he calls me that.

“You sure will.”

“Bye gorgeous.”

‘Oh my God,’ I mouth to Ashlyn who watches me, grinning like a wild cat. “Bye,” We hang up and I hold my breath for a beat before groaning out loud, “Fucking hell Ash, it’s only day three and I can already tell this guy is going to be trouble for me.”

Ashlyn sniggers, “Yeah, no shit.” I open my eyes and turn to give her a sidelong stare when she shuffles closer to me. “Look, just remember, he’s a rebound, a distraction for the summer, that’s all.”

I puff out my cheeks and exhale slowly, “Oh Ash, I don’t know if I’m cut out for the whole casual thing, you know? What if I start to get too attached? God, he’s crazy hot and the way I’m feeling it would be so easy to fall for him,” I affirm uneasily, and Ash takes hold of my hand and smiles tenderly, her green eyes sympathetic.

“Jeykins, we both know you prefer a relationship over a fling. Personally, I think you need this to help you get over your breakup with Paxton.” I sigh, nodding in agreement. Just hearing the rotten bastard’s name makes my chest ache. “Besides, the beauty of a summer fling is that its fleeting and there is no expectation on both parts, if you think you’re starting to grow attached then you break it off.” She states and cups my face in her hands. “Don’t overthink this and just enjoy it, babe.”

I nod, “Okay, yeah, you’re right. I mean, it’s six weeks, who falls for someone in six weeks, right?” Ashlyn nods and I force a smile on my face and shake off the anxious feeling sitting in the pit of my gut like a giant slab of lead. “I’m meeting him in just over an hour. Help me pick something out to wear?”

Ashlyn practically flies off my bed before the words even leave my mouth, and she’s rummaging through my wardrobe pulling out various outfits, “I’ll pick out an outfit for you, you go and shower because we both know you take a decade and a half to shower.” Grinning, I nod and stand up, stretching my arms up over my head with a groan. "Wait! Are you going to be back for Oz's birthday party tonight? You better be there," she points her index finger at me and I smile walking over to my bedroom door.

“As if I’ll miss Oskie’s birthday.”

Satisfied with my answer, she goes back to rifling through my clothes, “That’s my bitch. Don’t forget to shave!” Ashlyn shouts after me as I walk out of the room. “We don’t want him to get cactus burn now, would we?” I throw my head back and laugh heartily.

“Fuck off, Ash, you know damn well I get waxed all over. You’re the one that shaves, not me.” I retort.

“That shit hurts, all right!” she shouts back defensively. “Some of us prefer not to be plucked like chickens. Besides, shaving suits me just fine, and I’ve never had any complaints thank you very much.”

“It’s sure a good thing that you’re a dynamite in bed then, boo thang.” I say poking my head out of the bathroom door and hear her cackle from my room.

“And don’t you forget it!”

* * *

Ashlyn wasn’t wrong when she pointed out that I take exceptionally long showers. What she neglected to acknowledge was that I have a hair care routine that I follow meticulously, and it takes time. It’s a small price to pay to achieve and maintain my long, silky hair.

Twenty minutes later I’m standing in my bedroom surrounded by outfits strewn across my bed and floor in a messy pile. “Ash, I’m not sure about this outfit. I’m getting Julia Roberts from pretty woman vibes.”

Ash steps back to look me over before she smiles, “Yes,” she concurs, combing her fingers through her hair. “Now that you mention it, I’m getting that vibe too, but then you always give off that vibe--” I throw a pair of folded jeans at her head. “Ow! I’m kidding!” she hisses glowering at me playfully.

“Be serious,” I chastise her. “I don’t have time for your antics right now. I know it’s summer and all but I don’t want him to take one look at me and think I’m some two-bit harlot that’s trying too hard to impress him. I would like to maintain some decorum.”

Ash snorts, waving off my comment, “What are you talking about, you look great, and that outfit isn’t as revealing as you seem to believe it is. Now, stop being self-conscious and go blow his socks off.” She adds with a snigger. I glance down at myself and her outfit of choice. A black mini leather skirt and white crop top. “Pun totally intended.” I gasp, flushing crimson and throw my pink fluffy slipper at her, which she deflects with her hand and grins at me toothily. Shaking my head, I change the outfit I’m wearing to the previous one I tried on. A light blue button-down denim dress that ends at mid-thigh.

That’s more like it, I don’t plan to flash my vagina to the whole world. I move toward the mirror and look at my reflection. My stomach is in knots and as the minutes tick on by the nerves start to intensify. “Stop dillydallying and go already!” Ash urges, handing my handbag and sunglasses to me before she practically shoves me out the door. “Go and get a good dicking.” She says and giggles when I turn and glare at her.

“Ash, I’m not sleeping with him.” I insist, lowering my tone so my mother doesn’t overhear as we walk out of the house toward my car.

“Jeyla, you do realise you’ve already sleep with him, right? He’s not going to think any less of you if you sleep with him again.” Ashlyn states resting against the hood of my Peugeot 206 convertible.

Well, she does have a point there, but a drunken hook up isn’t the same as sleeping with someone whilst sober. I’d rather things happen naturally, at a pace that I’m comfortable with and why should I just give it up to him. If he wants me, he’ll have to earn me.

“I know that. I just don’t want to come across like some desperate tramp that willingly spreads her legs to everyone that gives her a little attention. I want him to work for it a little, you know?” I explain and Ashlyn nods in understanding.

“I mean, that’s not how flings work, but okay boo, you do you. Now go and have fun, I’ll see you in a few hours.” I smile, opening my car door and slipping into the driver’s seat. I blow a kiss to Ash, and she makes a heart with her fingers as I back out of my driveway.