“I told you I would call, didn’t I?”

“Oh my God, he sounds hot.” Ashlyn whispers to me. I frown and press my finger to my mouth shushing her.

“What are you up to?” he questions, and I wince pulling the phone away from my ear when something clatters on his end, like he dropped the phone. “Sorry about that,” he apologises.

“Aside from having my ear drums blown out, I’m still in bed, only just woke up. What about you? Sounds like you’re up and out already?” When he laughs lowly, I suck in a deep breath to pacify the stupid butterflies that take flight in my stomach.

“Only just. I’ve got a couple of things I need to do, then I’m heading over to help a friend out,” he states casually.

I’m not proud of this, but the words just fell out of my mouth before I could catch them. “Help what friend, with what?” Ashlyn pulls her head back and gapes at me wide eyed while I grimace at how inquisitive I just came across.

I curse myself and shake my head when he guffaws, seemingly pleased by my interest. “Just an old friend of mine that needs a hand moving some stuff into her new flat. I offered to help her move some furniture and boxes,” he explains openly, even though he really didn’t owe me any sort of explanation whatsoever. However, I couldn’t ignore that tiny niggle of envy twisting deep in my gut.

“How very gallant of you,” I utter, not at all bitter and he goes quiet on the other end and I could clearly hear the music playing in the background.

I frown, straining my ears to listen. "Is that… mysterious girl you’re listening to?" he lets out a hearty laugh and I grin.

"Yes ma’am, personally chosen just for you," he admits charmingly, and I can picture him grinning and biting on his full lower lip in that swoon worthy manner. "My mysterious girl..."

I giggle, flushing a deep shade of red. "We spend one night together and you’re already declaring your undying love for me, Casanova? That’s so sweet. When shall I expect the ring?"

"Already picked out and getting sized for you, baby girl," he states light-heartedly, making me giggle like a lustful teen flirting with her crush. Ash rolls her eyes and falls back on the bed with a sigh when I hit her with my stuffed rabbit. "Tell me something Angel, you’re not bothered that I’m going to help out another woman, right?"

“No,” I answer stiffly. “Why would I be bothered?”

“I don’t know, I sensed a little bitterness in your tone before when I mentioned it?” Wait, is hefishingfor some sort of covetous reaction to him going off to meet another girl? “Detected a little jealousy there.”

I snort and make no effort to hide it. “Well, sorryfriendbut your sensors must be malfunctioning because I am not in the slightest bit jealous, in fact I couldn’t less.”

“Is that right?” He drawls, his tone deep and suggestive.

“Sure is. You can go right ahead and help your little friend move her things, hell, you can move in with her if you damn well want.” I tell him jauntily and he laughs again, fuelling that flicker of annoyance burning in my belly.

“You’re right, you don’t sound like you care at all.” He mocks playfully.

“Is that why you called me? To tell me you’re going to spend the afternoon with another girl to make me jealous. Because I must tell you, dear friend two can play that game.” I fire back.

“Oh, well I do love a good duel. Though, I prefer to use my tongue, it’s far more effective.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, smiling. “Good, you can practice with your friend in between lugging her sofa.”

“Nah, you’re the only friend my tongue desires to duel with, baby girl.”

I grin, “Might want to get in line, then.”

I hear him snort and then chuckle in amusement, “I don’t share.”

“Neither do I.” A moment of silence lingers between us before he sighs and speaks again.

“Fuck, I really need to kiss you,” he admits lasciviously, and my stomach does a somersault. “I should be free in an hour or so, do you want to meet up?”

I pull the phone away from my ear, cover the microphone and whisper to Ash. “He wants to meet up.” Ashlyn sits up again and nods her head.

“Say yes,” she urges animatedly.

I sigh and bring the phone back to my ear, “Three days in a row? Well, aren’t you keen,” I say after a pregnant pause.

“Amongst other things,” he responds, the lewd undertone to his voice when he speaks only amplifies the excitement of seeing him again.