* * *

Twenty-five minutes later I’m patiently waiting for him to arrive. I got a text message from him while I was driving informing me that he’s running ten minutes late. The late afternoon sun is beating down on me and I’m starting to sweat standing out in this heat. My feet are staring to ache in the open toe heel I’m wearing. My green eyes are hidden behind a pair of black tinted aviator sunglasses. With a frustrated sigh I begin fanning myself with my clutch.

I check my phone for any messages from him when men leer at me, whistling as they walk or drive by honking and catcalling.

“Hi beautiful,” A tall brunette sidles up beside me. I slowly lift my gaze from my phone to look at him.


“You’ve been waiting here a while, which mug had the nerve to leave you standing around waiting in this heat, baby?” he questions, rubbing his bearded jaw and licking his lips. “It doesn’t look like he’s coming, but I’ll be more than happy to step in.”

My frown deepens and I cross my arms over my chest, “First of all, don’t call me baby. Secondly, I’d advise you to pay more attention to a woman’s body language. What part of me is giving you the impression that I have any interest in you whatsoever?”

The sleaze bag takes a step toward me, and I retreat, “Give me five minutes and I’ll show you more than one reason to be interested, baby,” he drawls, reaching up and running the back of his fingers down my arm.

I grimace and stare down at his hand on my arm, “It would take more than a lifetime and a cold day in hell before I ever give you the time of day,” I hiss coldly and bat his hand away from my arm. Those dark brown eyes of his darken further and I grimace when he grasps my arm and roughly draws me against him. “Get your filthy hands off me, you stupid prick.” I retort, struggling against him.

“Come on baby, I’ll pay a pretty penny for a night with you. Name your price.” I gear myself up to kick him right in the nuts when the sound of music momentarily distracts me. I glance over the pervert’s shoulder and see the black Lexus with gold rims pull up. Pony by Genuine tearing through the speakers in his car.

My mouth goes dry at the sight of him when he steps out of the car. All six-foot something of him swathed in black. A sleeveless vest, displaying those defined arms, a black pair of ripped jeans, timberland boots, completed with a pair of black, tinted sunglasses hiding those mesmerising green eyes of his.

When he pulls his sunglasses off, the murderous look in his eyes even made me shudder. I tear my eyes from him and look up at the idiot still holding onto my arm. “There isn’t enough money in the world, now get the fuck off me,” I utter grimly, tugging on my arm but he tightens his grip on my arm making me hiss when he pinches my skin.

“Hey!” I peek over the brunette’s shoulder again at my date walking over to us, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

The brunette turns his head and looks back at him standing commandingly tall and eyes almost black with fury. “Let her go,” he growls lowly, his eyes narrowing threateningly.

The brunette’s grip loosens, and I tug myself free of his hold and step back rubbing the tender spot where he grabbed me which is starting to redden.

“You okay?” my date asks, moving over to me and I nod. His eyes lower to my arm and when he notices its red, the anger from before amplifies. He veers his gaze to the tall brunette who is still openly checking me out. "Like what you see, mate?" he questions dourly and takes a step toward him.

“Mind your business.” The brunette utters staring him down. My date chuckles darkly and nods, biting his bottom lip.

“Mind my business?” he intones darkly. “Sheis mybusiness. You just put your hands onmygirl which now gives me the privilege and satisfaction to reach down your throat and rip your fucking spleen out.” The brunette looks over at me again and my date tuts. “Baby, go and wait for me in the car.” He tells me, his eyes never leaving the brunette’s. Shaking my head, I move to his side and curl my hands around his muscular bicep, which is twitching with agitation.

“No, please, he’s not worth it, let’s just go.” I plead fretfully, and he turns his angry gaze to mine and when I nod slowly, he exhales, yielding and looks at the brunette once more and catches him staring at me.

“The fuck you looking at? Turn and walk away, before I make good on my previous threat.” He orders callously and turns, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me away toward his car.

“How much is he paying you sweetheart, I’ll double it?” The brunette leers after us when I start to pull him away. Before I could pull him back my date spins, takes three long strides and punches him in the face with such force he hits the floor like a sack of potatoes. I gasp and hurry toward him, when he leans over, curling his fingers in the collar of the brunette’s shirt and brings his face close to his while he speaks to him in a low and menacing tone.

“Want to say that again?” he hisses icily, “Go on, fucking say it again and give me another reason to shut you up indefinitely.” Blood seeps from the side of the brunette’s mouth and he shakes his head.

My date lets go of the grip on his shirt and shoves him backward to the ground before he rises to his full height, still glaring at him. “Let’s go, please,” I beseech, clinging to his arm and tugging him back towards his car.

While I struggle to pull him away, I can hear the brunette shouting threats after us. “Yeah, listen to your bitch and walk away, you pussy. I’m going to have you put away for this and then I’m going to find your little whore and fuck her!” He bellows, sitting up and wiping the blood seeping from his mouth and riling him up again.

“No!” I shout, pulling him back to me. “Stop, stop, please babe, let it go.” I beg, taking hold of his face and forcing him to look at me. I can feel the rage exuding off him in waves. “He’ll get you done for assaulting him. It’s not worth it, I’m begging you let’s just go, please.” His green eyes stare into mine, his chest rising and falling quickly with every enraged breath. I can see he fights with himself to not lose his control and whether it’s the fear or concern he sees in my gaze he instantly simmers and allows me to pull him toward his car. Looking back once, his jaw clenches and ticks with agitation while the brunette continues barking abuse after us. We walk to the passenger side, and he opens the door for me to get in.

I peer up at him and shake my head slowly. “Do you think I’m stupid? I don’t need you to be some gallant hero to protect me, so please, get in the car and let’s get out of here.” Despite his current state of anger, he smirks a little. I know his plan is to lock me in the car, so I couldn’t follow him and go and make good on the threats he made and get himself arrested.

Not on my watch.

I push up on my toes and caress his jaw, his stubble scratches my fingers. “How would you rather spend your day? Out with me enjoying yourself or stuck in a holding cell?”

“You, of course,” he answers, reaching up, he pulls my hand from his cheek and presses the inside of my wrist to his lips.

I smile, “Then let’s get out of here,” I suggest. “I promise you, by the end of the day that idiot will be the last thing on your mind.” He grins handsomely and brushes a kiss to my forehead.