“Did… eh, did Mud kidnap you, too?” Cat asked Gwenn. Since what happened to Ariella and Gwenn weeks ago had been labeled as club business, they never really talked about it.
Gwenn sucked in a breath. “Mud? Did he do this to you?” Gwenn traced Cat’s split lip with her thumb.
Cat closed her eyes, remembering nothing and everything. She wanted to forget who’d done exactly what to her. She wanted to forget what she’d done to survive: killing Ulf and Man Bun.
Or maybe she needed to remember. In case someone else came after her, she would find strength in knowing she could handle herself and would even kill if she had to in order to survive.
Cat stepped back and undressed before her half sister. She didn’t care that they only met months ago. Gwenn had instantly felt like a sister to her.
Gwenn turned around and said, “I’ll wait outside for you.”
“Please… can you… please sit on the toilet until I’m done?” Cat hated the tears that pricked her eyes just as much as her cracked voice.
After the night she’d had, she rather showered with someone she trusted staying in the bathroom.
“Sure, sweetie.” Gwenn closed the toilet seat and plunked on top, pulling out her phone before scrolling through some messages.
“Thanks, Gwenn,” Cat said while closing the frosted shower door behind her.
“No problem. Do you want me to talk? Or shall I just sit here? I’m good with whatever.”
Cat felt her lips turn up in a watery smile. “You sound just like my brother.”
“Thanks. I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“As you should. Where is he, anyway?”
“Devlin went to search for you, but he is on his way back. I’m sure he’ll be here any minute.”
Cat brought her head back into her neck, letting the spray wash the dirt and grime from the top of her hair. She picked up Demon’s bar of soap and scrubbed and scrubbed to wash every little filthy reminder from her body.
“Maybe you can now wash your hair?” Gwenn said as she gave her a side glance.
Cat looked down at her red skin and bit back a sob. She had mentally checked out and must have scrubbed her skin over and over.
Gwenn suddenly stepped into the shower stall and pulled her in for a hug. “It’s okay, Cat. Let it out.”
Without caring about the spray drenched her gray shirt and jeans, Gwenn held her in a tight embrace. The floodgates opened as Cat full on ugly cried for a minute before she composed herself.
“This is weird, Gwenn. Even for us.”
Gwenn actually laughed with her head back. “Who gives a fuck? I’m here for you, even if I have to stand in the shower with my clothes on and you buck naked. I’m happy to comfort you.”
“I don’t need comforting,” Cat said as she broke free from Gwenn’s hug.
“Okay. What do you need?”
“I need to spar. I need Ryleigh—and Mia.”
Gwenn nodded. “Okay. I’ll let Zeus know that you want to see your cousins.”
“They’re my best friends.”
Cat didn’t know why she felt the need to point this out. Tonight had messed with her head, and it felt right to be surrounded by her closest friends.
They normally hung around with the four of them, including Nora. But Cat knew that if she saw Nora, she had to keep up a brave face and comfort her twin instead of the other way around.
“I know, sweetie. I’ll just hop out of here and change into something dry.”