After Gwenn closed the shower door behind her, Cat said, “Eh, Gwenn…”
“Thanks. I’m sorry that I asked for—”
Gwenn shook her head with a soft smile. “It’s okay. I’m proud of you for speaking up about what you need. No matter what, I meant what I said: I’m here for you.”
Gwenn opened the bathroom door at the same time Cat finished washing her hair and turned off the spray.
“What the fuck?” Demon boomed from the other side of the bathroom door.
“What?” Gwenn said, while fisting her hips.
“God damn, you look hot,” Zeus said to Gwenn.
Cat rolled her eyes. Great. Was every club member standing in Demon’s room? Now she was never coming out of this bathroom. That reminded her of her clothing situation.
“Oh, Gwenn! Can you bring me some dry clothes, please?”
Cat might be a little slimmer and shorter than Gwenn. She’d rather swim in her next outfit than have it too tight around her body.
“Sure, sis. I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll walk with you and bring the clothes back,” Zeus said.
“Thank you!” Cat shouted before Gwenn closed the bathroom door.
She found a clean towel under the sink and dried herself off. Cat wrapped the towel around her when a knock on the door startled her.
“It’s me. Can I come in?” Demon asked.
She dreaded coming eye to eye with him again. Everything that happened at the cabin between them was about to be dismissed. She was sure of it. He’d done it three years ago after what happened at the dirt ramp.
“Cat? You okay?” Demon said while already opening the door.
“I’m fine!”
He cocked his head. “No, you’re not.”
She narrowed her eyes into slits. “Pardon me?”
“Hit me.”
Her brows rose to her hairline. “Excuse me?”
“Hit me.”
“This place is so weird.”
“Why?” he said as he sucked all the oxygen out of the cramped bathroom by stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
“First my sister, now you…”
“What happened with Gwenn?”
“She stepped into the shower stall while I was under the shower. And now you want me to hit you.”