Page 57 of Demon

Demon peeked through a crack in the front door, expelling a sigh of relief as he watched Squirrel and Green dismount from their bike.

Demon opened the door and barked, “Give us five!”

He liked how both prospects froze dead in their tracks.

“You’re so bad,” Cat said with a sweet giggle.


He pulled her in and turned her around in his arms as he fastened her bra. He kissed the top of her shoulder, enjoying how she already squirmed at the touch.

He gave her apple butt a loving tap and said, “I hope you can still fit into those wet leathers.”

She pulled her brow. “I don’t care. I’ll sit buck-naked on the back of your bike for all I care. As long as I’m out of here.”

“You don’t want to ride Zion’s bike back?”

Her face fell, and he quickly added, “Forget what I said. You’re riding with me. Evan can take Zion’s bike and come back and get his later.”

“You sure?”

Demon pressed his lips against hers before whispering, “I’m sure. I want you riding with me.”

They both knew what riding on the back of his bike implied, but both didn’t dare to address it.

One step at a time.


Cat stared at her reflection in Demon’s bathroom mirror in his clubhouse room. After coming to the conclusion that her leather pants were done for, she’d dressed in Man Bun’s bloody jeans out of necessity so she could ride back with Demon.

Dragon and Angel had showed up not long after Squirrel and Evan to clean up the cabin, or rather burn the place down to the ground.

Cat didn’t care what they would do with Man Bun or Ulf. She didn’t even care to find out if Mud and Snare were downstairs in the clubhouse basement.

The only thing on her mind was getting under this hot spray.

“Cat! Are you in there?” her half sister Gwenn shouted on the other side of Demon’s bathroom door.

Cat had entered the clubhouse via the side door five minutes ago, but apparently news traveled fast around here.

“Open up, Cat. I already saw Demon in the hallway.”

Cat opened up the door and stepped back to let her half sister in.

Gwenn instantly pulled Cat in for a hug, obviously not caring about her smelly hair or her bloodied hands or clothes. In all honesty; Demon and Cat also didn’t give a fuck about the filthy state they’d been in, too, when they fucked earlier.

Being together for the first time—at a crime scene, right next to her attacker’s corpse, might mean she’d lost her marbles indefinitely. But she didn’t care.

Demon was finally hers.

She hoped.

After dropping her off, he couldn’t get out of his room fast enough. She hoped that as the Enforcer, he’d left her for club business and not because he already regretted what happened.

“Oh, sis. I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Cat knew that Gwenn talked from experience, which made it easier to handle her pity.