Page 8 of My Lucky Charm

She held out her hand as if this was this first time we had ever spoke. Maybe she didn’t recognize me. It seems implausible but stranger things have happened today.

“Nice to meet you as well. You had a really good ride today. Cole told me it was your first official one.”

Oh god, she saw me today? She was out in the crowd watching? Suddenly everything I ate in the last twenty-four hours was begging to make an appearance. Her smile seemed genuine like she enjoyed watching me.

Scooting over to give me room on the side of the booth, she took care to tuck herself as far away as she could.

Running my hand over the stubble on my chin I could feel the heat on my cheeks and hoped the low lights in the restaurant covered it.“You saw that?”

She nodded, taking a sip of the soda in front of her.

“So, you’re going professional?”

“I uh, that’s what Cole thinks I should do. I’m not sure if it’s even possible. He believes it.”

Cole shook his head across the table and crossed his arms over his chest. I knew where this was going. I was getting the same speech he gave me back at the fairgrounds. The only change was he now had two persuasive females on his side.

“Bryce I have seen so many guys come and go. Guys that had no right to even be near an animal. You on the other hand...”

He leaned back grabbing his glass of beer from the table. Taking a long dramatic pause. The girls were looking at one another as if they were all in on a secret conversation I had missed out on.

“With your history, you’re like a friggen animal whisperer. Shit, if you don’t make it look easy being out there. Am I right, girls? Did he not look good out there today?”

Nicole smiled wide. She was the whole reason that Cole didn’t quit after his injury. She was the one who reminded him why he had gotten into this career and that he can’t just give up. Not that she would have loved him any less. Deep down she knew the regret he would feel if he gave up without a fight.

“Bryce, you have what it takes. Plus, it would be nice to have someone else around for this one to talk about riding so that I don’t have to do it all the time. He has a point. You looked good out there. Hannah, don’t you agree?”

She shot a look at her friend. An unspoken conversation occurred as Hannah’s cheeks turned deep red. She coughed, choking on the drink she was nursing in hopes she wouldn’t need to speak.

“Yeah, I don’t really know much about it. Just what you guys told me today. I wouldn’t really trust my judgment.”

Damn, she was cute when she was flustered. A complete change from the attitude she gave me last night about not sleeping with me. As if the idea was the most revolting thing she could think of. Yet now, sitting here she looked like she needed an excuse to not be so close to me for the completely opposite reason.

An idea sparked in my mind as I turned to face her.

“Actually, that’s perfect. You don’t know much about any of it right?”


She responded slowly as if there was a penalty for a wrong answer.

“So, since you don’t know me. You know nothing about riding. All you know is what you saw today, would you suggest I do more rides? At the risk of my family beating the shit out of me for lying to them and hiding this? On top of letting them down for leaving my responsibilities behind.”

She shifted uncomfortably. I just laid a whole lot of personal shit out that no one sitting at the table expected, including me.

“Well, when you put it like that… I mean is this something you really want to do? You shouldn’t be letting your family decide what your future looks like.”

Cole was fighting back a smirk. Hannah just answered the exact way he wanted her to. Reminding me I had to live a life that I wanted and not what was expected of me.

While he had only known me a few years, he knew me well enough to know I put the family farm and my family before myself at every turn. Every time he would have me convinced I should give it a shot, something happened. A storm would roll in, something would break, someone would get sick. It was always something that would sway me into telling him I couldn’t do it.

“Did you tell her what to say or am I going to find out later she’s actually related to you two and thinks exactly like you?”

“Oh, I’m not. I didn’t mean to… it’s not my place to tell you what to do. You just looked like you belonged out there is all I’m trying to say. From what Cole says you could really make a lot of money and go far. I mean who wouldn’t want that right?”She tried to laugh it off, her nervousness coming through loud and clear as she babbled. I hadn’t meant to sound nasty when I started talking. The stress of the decision was getting to me. Now, I looked like a giant asshole.

Saved by an intrusive waitress, we halted the discussion as she took our order. Cole insisted their steaks were the best around so of course that’s what I ordered. I expected the girls to order a salad or something that was healthy. Instead, they both ordered the same thing. A large juicy burger and steak fries.

My dick stirred again thinking about a girl who knew how to eat. Why that was a turn on, I did not know. Once the waitress left, a quiet fell over the table. We all just stared at anything but one another for what felt like an eternity. Then Cole finally broke the silence.