Page 9 of My Lucky Charm

“So, Hannah. Nicole tells me you have a genuine love for animals.”

She nodded, a blush falling over her cheeks again. It was cute how flustered she seemed to be by such a simple question.

“You should come out to the ranch sometime. I’m sure Nic would love the company. It’s just some chickens right now but hey it’s a start right? Although, I’m pretty sure this guy has a leg up on us. Ours is just a little thing unlike what he grew up on, right Bryce? How many acres do you have over there?”

“Honestly, I have no clue. You’d have to ask Luke or Devin that one. I just do the work I’m asked and stay far away from the logistics of the place.”

Nicole looked over at her friend.“He owns Gregory Orchards Farm. It is massive. They have stuff to do there all year round. I wish the rodeo visited around there more often. It’s gorgeous.”

“You own a farm?” She sounded shocked. As if I was completely incapable. I had been lending a hand on the farm since the day I could carry a bucket of feed. How dare she look at me like I was anything other than a hard worker.

“It’s been in my family for a few generations. So yeah. I do.”

My answer came off with a harsh attitude as I grabbed the beer the waitress had brought over for me. She may have been everything I was looking for in a girl on the outside but she was being unnecessarily rude.

“I need to use the ladies’ room. If you’ll excuse me.”

Her face was tight as she spoke softly. As if it was painful to ask to get up in the first place. Moving out of the booth so she could exit she didn’t waste any time scurrying off. Nicole of course followed a moment later. The look of concern on her face not lost on Cole or myself.

“Don’t worry about it.” Cole took a sip of his beer, casually making his remark.

“Worry about what?”

“Hannah. Probably shouldn’t repeat it but Nic told me she just got out of a really screwed up relationship. Guy slept with her best friend or some shit. She’s going through a lot. Just figured she could use a fun night out. Didn’t realize you two were going to butt heads.”

Well, that explained the ‘it’s complicated’ response to if this was a vacation for her. Also made complete sense about walking her to her room. Of course she wasn’t looking to hook up with someone.

“Shit. That’s fucked up.”

“Yeah. Nic just so happened to run into her. They grew up together. Seemed like fate, them running into one another.”

Before I could say another word the two of them returned. Whatever they said in the bathroom put Hannah in a little better mood because she no longer seemed to scowl at me.

We kept the conversation light through dinner. Keeping most of the topic on Cole and his career. I nearly choked as a low moan escaped Hannah’s lips as she bit into her burger. It was one thing to know she was eating red meat but to listen to her moaning, that was too much. Focusing hard on cutting my steak, I tried not to let my mind wander.

If that is what she sounded like when she enjoyed a good burger, what could I coax out of her?


Nicole was staring at me. Shit, was she talking to me? I was so lost in my own perverted thoughts I didn’t even hear anyone talking. Jerking my eyes from the steak in front of me to Nicole’s gaze, I hoped she couldn’t read my mind.


“I know the steak is good, but I didn’t think it was that good.” She laughed quietly at my expense. “I was asking how things have been at the farm.”

“They’re good. Busy. Cole told me you guys are getting married. Congrats.”

Attempting to push the conversation off myself, I knew Nicole and Hannah would start talking about the wedding. A large gulp of my beer didn’t settle me any as Nicole continued speaking.

“Thank you Bryce. So, do you have a lucky girl back home?”

“No. The farm takes up most of my time.”

She reached across the table, her eyes shifting to her friend and quickly back to me.“That’s a surprise. Figured someone would have scooped you up right and quick.”

Hannah must have sensed my unease as she spoke from beside me. “Nicole, have you gotten your dress yet?”

The sudden shift distracted Nicole enough that she withdrew her hand from my forearm and started talking to Hannah about her dream gown. Wrapping up our meal, everyone agreed they were too stuffed for dessert. I attempted to pay but Cole had other plans.